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Legionnaire - 2012-04-30
In response to Re: Shane English Kunming (Magister)

3. finally there is a lot of research that suggests peer feedback is far more effective than manager feedback. Teachers just get used to the idea that they will be observed at certain stages of the month by their superiors. They begin to see it as a process rather than a chance to develop. Peer feedback often works best because individual teachers can empathize with one another and feel that they are sharing common experiences, successes and problems. I would doubt though that most foreign teachers would consider a TA to be a peer and i would also be surprised if many young female university students in China (the basis of your TA team) feel comfortable discussing teaching ideas with their foreign colleagues.

Bloody Hell! What you write makes my head explode. You don't come to China for peer feedback, and to feel comfortable about being periodically observed by you superiors. It's not a genuine job mate, it's a skylark, a paid working holiday. Take a leaf out of Silverman and Turnois book (on the other thread) Wayhey they seem to know how to fill their boots.

This Shane school sounds like a nightmare. This is my advice. Find yourself a good university where they give you a flat(hopefully with lots of Brits, they're more fun and less back-biting than other FT's.) Keep your head down. Never volunteer for anything. Get yourself a student. Silverman has got it all worked out; not one of your own students. Shane sounds like a nervous breakdown coming.

Messages In This Thread
Shane English Kunming -- Sparrow -- 2012-04-23
Re: Shane English Kunming -- Sparrow -- 2012-05-04
Re: Shane English Kunming -- been there, done that -- 2012-05-05
Re: Shane English Kunming -- Bethany -- 2012-05-05
Re: Shane English Kunming -- pugwash -- 2012-05-05
Re: Shane English Kunming -- Philip -- 2012-04-27
Re: Shane English Kunming -- Magister -- 2012-04-28
Re: Shane English Kunming (Magister) -- Philip -- 2012-04-28
Re: Shane English Kunming (Magister) -- Magister -- 2012-04-29
Re: Shane English Kunming -- Magister -- 2012-04-23
Re: Shane English Kunming -- chinachillie -- 2012-04-29
Re: Shane English Kunming -- Magister -- 2012-04-30
Re: Shane English Kunming -- Legionnaire -- 2012-04-30
Re: Shane English Kunming -- Magister -- 2012-05-01
Re: Shane English Kunming -- Legionnaire -- 2012-05-01
Re: Shane English Kunming -- Magister -- 2012-05-01
Re: Shane English Kunming -- Legionnaire -- 2012-05-01
Re: Shane English Kunming -- San Migs -- 2012-05-01
Re: Shane English Kunming -- chinachillie -- 2012-05-01
Re: Shane English Kunming -- San Migs -- 2012-05-01
Re: Shane English Kunming -- San Migs -- 2012-04-30
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