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been there, done that - 2012-05-05
In response to Re: Shane English Kunming (Sparrow)

Oh dear!!

please expand on the point that there is no bad press on the internet about Shane School because they don't give out references? Surely it would be the other way around? Because the school is not giving out references then these disgruntled teachers would be the first to criticize the place, not keep quiet surely? The logic just does not hold - "those b@stards at Shane won't give me a reference, so I will get my revenge by saying absolutely nothing on any blog, website or forum. That'll show 'em!!"

I worked at this school about 1-2 years ago, and have since requested a reference from the then Dos (chnachillie) for a job. It was sent to my new employer no problem at all. Like Pugwash said, the school does give references out directly to employers when requested (done it myself) but not letters of recommendation for teachers to carry round with them which is fair enough - it's difficult to be objective when you have to give the report to the person directly.

Oh by the way I worked under Chinachillie, and he improved the school A LOT, and tried hard to wrestle control of academic stuff away from the Chinese. Still not a perfect place, but where is in China? And as an American - I would agree about the shady tax dealings, but I suppose it meant we got a pay rise out of it:)

p.s - I think sparrow is showing his true colors a little (even though, I kid you not a currently serving teacher told me about this guy, he loved dressing up as a pirate with dreadlocks - why do you think he's called "Sparrow" people?) by talking about a character assignation!! surely some mistake:) How is that possible in this context???

Like I said, I worked there and it was just a job like any other training center, but at least we got paid on time, had some good fun and we didn't have too many losers dressed as pirates in our staffroom!!

Messages In This Thread
Shane English Kunming -- Sparrow -- 2012-04-23
Re: Shane English Kunming -- Sparrow -- 2012-05-04
Re: Shane English Kunming -- been there, done that -- 2012-05-05
Re: Shane English Kunming -- Bethany -- 2012-05-05
Re: Shane English Kunming -- pugwash -- 2012-05-05
Re: Shane English Kunming -- Philip -- 2012-04-27
Re: Shane English Kunming -- Magister -- 2012-04-28
Re: Shane English Kunming (Magister) -- Philip -- 2012-04-28
Re: Shane English Kunming (Magister) -- Magister -- 2012-04-29
Re: Shane English Kunming -- Magister -- 2012-04-23
Re: Shane English Kunming -- chinachillie -- 2012-04-29
Re: Shane English Kunming -- Magister -- 2012-04-30
Re: Shane English Kunming -- Legionnaire -- 2012-04-30
Re: Shane English Kunming -- Magister -- 2012-05-01
Re: Shane English Kunming -- Legionnaire -- 2012-05-01
Re: Shane English Kunming -- Magister -- 2012-05-01
Re: Shane English Kunming -- Legionnaire -- 2012-05-01
Re: Shane English Kunming -- San Migs -- 2012-05-01
Re: Shane English Kunming -- chinachillie -- 2012-05-01
Re: Shane English Kunming -- San Migs -- 2012-05-01
Re: Shane English Kunming -- San Migs -- 2012-04-30
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