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Nicolas Galahan - 2012-05-08

Dear ESL teacher.,

I am an ESL teacher by myself and I have had a very bad experience, real hard times with DEZHOU UNIVERSITY,the JOB being provided by FRANK ZHANG.!!!!!
They told me lies, made me come to China, start working but...after a while they start not paying my salary, and, generaly speaking, not respecting any condition in the contract.
When I protested they stole my passport, STOLE MY PASSPORT in order to make me leave.
They say the accommodation is an apartament, inreality is just a simple room in a hotel, together with the students , Chinese and Foreign who make noise, party and do not allow you have a decent rest.
Especially the evil Shelley, Liu Jia , will lure you into coming in China, and then together with the agent, the infamous FRANK ZHANG will start making your life a hell! they steal, lie, even physically abuse the foreign teachers.
The city is just a cold and windy backwards town. Dezhou has nothing to offer to an ESL teacher !!!

So Stay way from Frank Zhang and Dezhou University!!!!!!!!! WARNING

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