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danny free - 2012-05-14

This is in regards to no2 middle school or Qinzhou foreign language school. I was employed there for 5 years, I should have ran the first year, but it was convenient for me because it was near my wife in another city so i stayed. Let me tell you the other people who wrote how horrible this school was before were not exaggerating. I have been a teacher in china for almost 9 years now and worked for many different schools, this has got to be the worst one I ever worked for, in my 5 years working for them they have done many things to me and other foreign teachers like 1 year me and another teacher got food poisoning from their cafeteria when we told them we had been up all night vomiting and diarrhea there response was we have a contract and will work the hours required we can go to the hospital on our lunch that teacher no longer works here he got tired of the crap and them trying to screw him on his contract.

We are suppose to have Internet but it regularly fails ,we even went without Internet for 6 months as they kept telling us they were looking into why but never fixed it till the new teachers arrived to replace the ones who said the hell with this and left. I have been without cable for over 2 years as every time i ask them to fix they say they have to call the cable company to look at it ,but never did.

They added extra time to our work timetable once, when we asked why we didn't,t get overtime or paid for the extra time which was not part of our contract they told us we can not change anything till you renew your contract so we will not get paid for the extra time working .

the Chinese English teachers at the school treat you like a second rate teacher, I have heard on many occasions that foreign teacher are not real teachers and shouldn't be teaching here, but the admin tells us we must teach a certain way they want fun exciting classes but you have to be quiet while doing it and also must teach from the book I have watched some of their classes far from exciting and they want us to do the classes with the students their way but make it fun how does one make reading out of a book fun

this year 2 of the teachers left before their contracts were finished they would rather give up the money for not staying then continue to deal with this school i am also leaving and so is the other teacher all 4 of us are gone this school cannot keep teachers for a reason i was the only one who remained for so long so if you decide to work here think about all the teachers before me who wrote about this school and what an experienced teacher has to say after 5 years there

Messages In This Thread
Qinzhou foreign language school - no2 middle school -- danny free -- 2012-05-14
Re: Qinzhou foreign language school - no2 middle school -- San Migs -- 2012-05-15
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