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steven henry - 2005-12-01

This school has been advertised over and over again by recruiters and somehow I suspect by jungle telegraph very hard to have or retain staff.The salary average for Saudi but the students are the sons of rich people and it shows in their approach to learning where they go do anything they like and no matter what the fool guy is always the foreign teacher.The manager a Jordian who/s English is marginable attempts to uplift the school out of the shadows of being a ghetto like establishment and so falsifys the students marks so they appear to be very good but in reality the students are on a whole non-performers is approach to learning is marginal.Why should they aquire the skills needed to function in life when their parents are so rich they never ever have to work.This is a simple case of weak management by a Mr Madone the Jordian manager who never questions what he is told to do and so the school stays on the roller coaster ride of undiscipline students and poor management style.How would you feel fellow teachers if you were asked to manufacture test/exam results so that even the do nothings pass with exceptional high grades,no one fails.Is this the future of Education following the Chinese model,where if you fail you pass.
Steven Henry at

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AL kHOBAR BAYAN GARDENS BOYS SCHOOL - ESL school review -- steven henry -- 2005-12-01
Re AL kHOBAR BAYAN GARDENS BOYS SCHOOL - ESL school review -- I Prefer To Remain Unknown -- 2011-01-29
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