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San Migs - 2012-06-03
In response to Re: WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA (Kanadian)

You raise a fair point, unity is paramount.

However, most laowai tend to become greedy and self centred, especially after marriage to a female of the chinese species. Ok, not all, but most.

Case in point. A guy I considered a friend, also from England, but married to a gal from the wilds of central china, was relating to me his woes of how his missus is always driving him to earn more, so she can have better and more and so on, and was asking me possible names for a training centre he was considering opening to get her off his back. The sad part is that most western guys upon marrying Chinese gals, especially if they have no roots or ties back home, become in a way, Chinese, and think well, may as well go against the grain and make some easy quid....even if it means cheating out my fellow laowai. This is pretty sickening in my opinion.

I advised him to either further his studies, get a degree and/or CELTA, or just carry on in his online retail business. Cheating chinese parents/students and exploiting fellow laowais is no way to go, but that is just my humble opinion. As for me, I am done with him and his kind, and will try to avoid the grovelling, snivelling sellouts be they married or single.

Just my two mao,
San Migs on Sunday.

Messages In This Thread
WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA, GuangZhou China -- Anita -- 2011-06-13
Re: WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA, GuangZhou China -- Jim -- 2012-06-01
Re: WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA, GuangZhou China -- jIMMY cRANKIE -- 2012-06-07
in defense of Alcanta Vocational School in Guangzhou -- Jim -- 2012-06-15
Re WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA, GuangZhou China -- Mark Mason -- 2011-06-27
Re WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA, GuangZhou China (Tonghe) -- Jimmy Crankie -- 2011-06-29
Re WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA, GuangZhou China -- jimmy crankie -- 2011-06-24
Re: WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA -- Curious -- 2011-06-13
Re: WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA -- Anita -- 2011-06-15
Re: WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA -- Miles -- 2011-07-07
Re: WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA -- foxy -- 2011-07-07
Re: WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA -- San Miguel Beer -- 2011-07-07
Re: WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA -- foxy -- 2011-07-07
Re: WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA -- San Miguel Beer -- 2011-07-07
Re: WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA -- Ross -- 2011-07-07
Re: WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA -- San Miguel Beer -- 2011-07-08
Re: WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA -- Kanadian -- 2012-06-03
Re: WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA -- San Migs -- 2012-06-03
Re: WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA -- Kanadian -- 2012-06-04
Re: WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA -- San Migs -- 2012-06-06
Re: WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA -- foxy -- 2012-06-03
Re: WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA -- In & Out -- 2012-06-03
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