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Robert Sleigh - 2005-12-12

This is an observation going out to those westerners who are Heads or DOS' of Language Schools. If you must post on here do so professionally - and also be positive. For example :-

Post your full name e.g "Richard Harris" and a professional school email contact address rather than for example

Make sure that your post is spelled correctly and makes sense.

Make sure that your post is actually relevant and helpful. Are you providing helpful advice and links to your site as to what your School can provide? - or are you simply trashing other posters and other schools? The latter tactic really does look cheap and unprofessional. Not the impression you might like to give to professional, qualified and experienced teachers - if you are at all serious about employing them.

Make sure that your School (should you care to mention it) is fully legitimate and has an English Website you can be proud of rather than an embarrassing page in "Chinglish" that looks really amateurish.

And finally - Exercise some common sense. All Heads have that - don't they!!??

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