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anon - 2012-06-16


Foreign teachers' medical bills are not paid despite written SAFEA contracts that says that same medical bills will be paid

teachers' salaries get delayed by 2 months during Spring Festival vacation... admins probably expect teachers to drop the contract, and that way they don't need to pay vacation pay, at all, or any other contractual benefits...

Foreign teachers arrive to teach classes, and have to turn around, and pay their own tickets, etc b/c admins suddenly decide not to have them teach classes, or pay that teacher's salary, flight, etc, for whatever reason

Foreign professor(s) arrive to teach at high salary/ do not get told about Chinese tax laws/ same tax laws are not described in their contract/ constant admin-teacher conflict b/c of these untold and omitted information

foreign teachers are constantly policed -- there is no way to walk into the teacher's "guest-house" without doors/gates being slammed and Chinese Watchers -"ladies" who report teacher's every move to the admins

Same "monitor" /watcher ladies are always walking thru the foreign teachers' flats, taking lists, notes, etc, or for no reason at all -- just to monitor...

No reason for walk-thru's or explanations as to why is ever given

The watcher ladies show up at teacher's flats when teachers get together with each other -- dinners, parties, when a student comes to fix a teacher's computer, or any day or time, to make sure no university rules are being violated

The watcher ladies don't seem to understand that the foreign teachers are not prisoners...

A foreign professor exposed himself to one of these watcher women because she came into his flat without an invitation, and without knocking or ringing first... Not sure if she got a clue after that incident...

Teachers flats are covered with long, printed bulletin boards/ poster-size lists of rules of what foreign teacher is allowed, and not allowed to do...

There are price-lists of furnishings, etc all over the flats, as if a teacher is living inside a state-run prison, or labor camp -- same rules are not part of the original SAFEA contract, they've been put on the walls after the contracts were signed (8 months into the contract)

The city of Bengbu is filthy, dusty, polluted, covered in emission exhaust sud, and factory gunk

There is sewer water spilled all over the streets, garbage dumps, sh-t and piss spread all over the place

The smell of rotting fish entrails, vegetable-left-overs, rotting meat, etc is ever-present

Farmers (supposedly, allegedly, and against the law) burn their crop in the Central East Asia summer, and the air, is again, filled with heart-burn-causing chemicals and pollutants
People are able to taste and "eat" the air they breathe

Messages In This Thread
Anhui University of Finance and Economics -- Uni Job -- 2012-02-18
Re Anhui University of Finance and Economics -- Cafank -- 2015-05-10
Re: Anhui University of Finance and Economics -- anon -- 2012-06-16
Re: Anhui University of Finance and Economics -- Uni Job -- 2013-03-18
Re: Anhui University of Finance and Economics -- Kanadian -- 2012-06-17
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