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Yingwen Laoshi - 2006-01-12

To the good black teacher who wrote asking why Chinese schools don't accept black-skinned teachers.

Although many schools in China don't want to employ black teachers, there are also many who will.
My school( a college in Jiangxi), seems to have no problem with coloured teachers. I'm a black guy and I've been happily teaching here for the last four months.

After spending nearly three and a half years teaching in China I believe that the colour prejudice thing regarding Chinese schools is greatly exaggerated. Unless you yourself have personally had a tough time getting a teaching job in China, (I'm talking to black teachers in general here), don't believe the hype! Many people will have you believe that it's virtually impossible for a black teacher to get a job in China. It's not true! This belief is not just a disservice to black teachers, but also to Chinese society in general.

Don't get me wrong. I don't walk around wearing rose-tinted glasses. I know that many schools especially in the private sector in China do discriminate on the grounds of colour. I know from personal experience, and I hate that attitude as much as any other black teacher. However If It was claimed that all Chinese schools do not accept blacks, It would simply be untrue.

As I've said I've worked here for three and a half years in China having virtually no problem in acquiring regular work in China. I've so far taught in two colleges, two middle schools, and two private schools during my time in China.

If you have a positive attitude, with belief in yourself, and the knowledge that China is a huge country with a multitude of schools and many forward thinking people, you will fare better.

My advice to my fellow black teachers is, once you arrive in China go IN PERSON to local schools in the city, or nearby cities. Once Chinese people meet you in person they will generally take you as they find you. The barrier for many blacks seems to be the sending of a photo. Well either don't send one, go in person or send a good one of yourself interacting happily with your students. If you've never worked at a school in China just send the best photo you have.

Good black teacher, please display your e-mail so that I'll be able to forward you the details of my school. The students here are very good. Many of them told my Chinese girlfriend that they would like to see MORE black teachers at the college.
Contrary to popular belief, there are MANY opportunities for black teachers in China. Start believing!

Messages In This Thread
Many Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2006-01-12
Re Many Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review -- Mark Bingham -- 2015-04-17
Re Many Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review -- Shakara -- 2011-01-12
Re Many Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review -- Kim -- 2010-12-24
Re: Many Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review -- Brandice -- 2010-07-11
Re: Many Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review -- Terri -- 2010-04-30
Re: Many Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review -- Andrew Dewitte -- 2010-01-29
Re: Many Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2010-02-03
Re: Many Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review -- Andrew Dewitte -- 2010-02-06
Re: Many Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2010-02-07
Re: Many Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review -- Liz -- 2010-12-17
Re: Many Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review -- BillyBloggs -- 2010-01-10
Re: Many Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2010-01-11
Re: Many Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review -- BillyBloggs -- 2010-01-11
Re: Many Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review -- niketa -- 2010-01-05
Re: Many Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2010-01-07
Re: Many Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review -- niketa -- 2010-01-26
Re: Many Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review -- Liz -- 2010-12-17
Re: Many Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2010-01-31
Re: Many Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review -- The Optimist -- 2010-01-07
Re: Many Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review -- Hot Chocolate -- 2010-01-07
Er!...Come Again? -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2010-01-08
Re: Many Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review -- Ebony -- 2010-01-07
Re: Many Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2010-01-09
Re: Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review -- Ebony -- 2010-01-09
Re: Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2010-01-10
Re: Many Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review -- Marcus -- 2010-01-09
Re: Many Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review -- Turino -- 2010-01-09
Re: Many Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review -- Goldengirl -- 2010-01-10
Re: Many Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review -- CSUWS ( Crap School and Uni Warning System) -- 2010-01-07
Re: Many Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review -- -- 2009-06-13
Re: Many Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review -- Alex -- 2013-01-16
Re: Many Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review -- ISESL4ME -- 2009-02-19
Re: Many Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review -- -- 2009-06-13
Re: Many Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review -- Stacey Dash -- 2011-12-14
Re: Many Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review -- Emmanuel -- 2008-08-01
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