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JETA EDU Consultancy Co. - 2006-01-12

I'm writing this in response to some people who think it's wrong paying fee to an agent if you get a job from him.

Many schools would try to get teachers by themselves, but this public college happens to have less contacts with foreigners. They asked us for help but they said, we have not expense on agent fee, and even if we pay you, it would not be under the name of agent fee, and the amount we could afford would be much less than what you asked.

This is why we ask for a little compensation from the teacher's side.

I think it's fair to ask for pay, even from the teacher's side, because we work! We have to translate, talk on phones, interview with teachers and talk to schools (not on phone but personally!) bring the teacher to school, and try to convince both to sigh contract!!!

If the school cannot afford that, the teacher might be able to help somehow. Let us think it the other way. If someone help you to get a job, is it understandable to thank him in certain way (in Chinese culture). I'm not asking a teacher to pay his first month salary, and always, numbers are negotiable.

From the market point of view, there are demands and supplies. We can tell demand is huge but supply is limited, also Chinese has strange view/standard on foreign English teachers, which makes some categories of foreigners superior. They might get well-paid jobs if they wave their hands. Some of the teachers behave really badly as well. However, things will change very soon, as how China changed in the past years. The market is getting more transparent and schools will be smarter when recruiting teachers.
As a candidate, if you think paying fee doesn't fit in your standard, leave it! if it's reasonable, take it!

By now we've sent them the right teacher and both had agree to sign a contract.

We did not get what we wanted from the school but we didn't charge any fee from the teacher. After he sighed the contract with school, he said he would invite us for a celebration dinner (this is something he pay us--dinner and a little bit of friendship/business partner ship).

Remember, we are not robbing your money by doing nothing. We are giving you a job that secures you life and career. Paying a little bit and in return to get more, isnt that very good to you!

Haha, take you time to study my word and enjoy your writing on net (Please talk to us if you are jobless one day!) ( we will charge you more).

I'm ready for the next case!

Be smile!! Enjoy your stay in this wonderful city!!!

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