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Dragonized - 2012-07-09

Since you had done what you claimed you are entitled to your own opinion. But in any society there will always be a minority of people who will benefit, in this case you benefited from working at EF, which has arguably the worst reputation not just in china but around Asia in general. During our discussion on this thread you gave off the vibe of, "Hey I am working here and I feel it's great, so people should just listen to me!" That would put many people up in arms already. I am sure if you ever met North Koreans who were holding high level positions in their own society they wouldn't have too many bad things to say, that's because they are the minority of benefactors who will exist in any developing country. But would you really take their words over your own observations with regards to the living conditions of the state of the majority of people who live there?? Looking at your posts I would think you might actually be convinced.

Basically what you are saying is that places like EF can provide a good working experience, I will always disagree with that. I wouldn't for the life of me recommend a place like that even if I did happen to have a good experience there by now due to what happened to me as well as to my friends at places like EF in the past. Besides, if there was such widespread endearment towards training centers you wouldn't need to come on here in the first place and talk about how shytty this board is now with all of the negativity. If I really owned a decent business that I had confidence in I wouldn't bother with boards like this in the first place because I would know that I can get teachers no matter what happened. You certainly didn't have enough of a good time to ignore a website like this which has nothing really to do with where you work. By giving your own opinion on here you are only serving to convince others to not trust your word even more. Some teachers might even think your end of the contract bonus hinges on how well your "behavior" goes with extracurricular activities including posting on here and talking about how great the place that you work at is.

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