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Red 5 - 2012-07-11

Jesus C what the hell is wrong with ESL schools. I have never had so many bad experiences in my life. It just gets worse and worse... I am a former EF employee now working at a big name training school and I thought EF was hard... trust me it can be much much MUCH worse. Man the place I'm at right now has turned over its staff twice in 1 year. Both students and staff treat westerners like utter crap. If anyone is reading this DONT COME HERE... RUN AWAY!!!! I would take living at home with mum and dad while working at Taco Bell my whole life over teaching in China... and I make over 10,000 per month here.

This is not a sarcastic post... there are so many better places to teach in the world, why on earth would you choose this one?!?!? I must stay as I have a longterm Chinese gf and I would hate myself for leaving her to this hell. I have taught for much more than 5 years (would rather not give myself away to snoops) and I have to say man.... China makes me hate teaching at least three times per week. I have had no end of bad experiences with students, staff, and other westerners.... I am pretty tame by most standards. I have taught in a few different countries and there is simply no comparison.. I was having a helluva fun time bouncing around the world until I came here... Now I'm depressed on a daily basis. If I could travel back in time, I would punch myself in the face before I got on that flight to China.

Messages In This Thread
get out now -- Red 5 -- 2012-07-11
Re: get out now -- Mr Motivator -- 2012-07-17
Re: get out now -- Dragonized -- 2012-07-11
Re: get out now -- foxy -- 2012-07-12
Re: get out now -- Dragonized -- 2012-07-13
Re: get out now -- anon -- 2012-07-26
Re: get out now -- Matthew -- 2012-07-12
Re: get out now -- Toffee Hammer Pants Jack Hammer -- 2012-07-12
Re: get out now -- foxy/Turino -- 2012-07-12
Re: get out now -- San Migs -- 2012-07-13
Re: get out now -- foxy -- 2012-07-12
Re: get out now -- Matthew -- 2012-07-12
Re: get out now -- englishgibson -- 2012-07-11
Re: get out now -- San Migs -- 2012-07-12
Re: get out now -- Maxi -- 2012-07-13
Re: get out now -- San Migs -- 2012-07-13
Re: get out now -- Clyde -- 2012-07-26
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