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Teacher31 - 2012-07-10

It is interesting that my post has generated such a strong reaction. "Phoebe" (I wonder if you're really the school head at AIS in disguise)...sour grapes or an inability to adapt to a different culture or environment has nothing to do with my situation.

Point in case?

I GREW UP in Eritrea and Ethiopia and absolutely LOVE both countries and their culture. I speak Tigrinya (an Eritrean/Ethiopian language), love the food, and people, and was very happy to be back in Ethiopia in a professional capacity. Because I am half South African, have lived throughout Africa extensivly throughout my life (including Zimbabwe, Senegal, and Tanzania)an inability to adapt has absolutely nothing to do with my assessment of this school. Further, "Phoebe" where did you come up with "sour grapes" from? Sounds like you know who I am, and that you know exactly what happened when I was at AIS which is why you are making that statement. And if that's the case, then you know that everything I have posted is absolutely the truth. If you are familiar with AIS and what happened to me while I was teaching there, then you know that this was a case of a qualified US teacher being back-stabbed by her step-mother when she came to teach at the school her father helped her step-mother found. If you are familiar with what happened, then you know that this is a case of a hard working single Mom (me) bringing her willingness to work hard and a positive attitude (no one at AIS can say they saw me there with more than a smile on my face and a willingness to work, every single day) with her to work at a school that did not compensate her appropriately, did not offer any reasonable parameters within which to teach and where, ultimately, her step-mother (who was overly competitive and hateful) backstabbed her because of her own personal vendetta. Sour grapes, hunh, "Phoebe"? Maybe a case of a wicked step-mother is more like it. Too bad you are not a decent human being, Ti. If you were, you would admit what you've done and offer up the apology you should offer instead of flinging more mud at someone who never tried to hurt you and whom you have thrown under the bus on more than one occasion. If you had any decency in your body at all, you would apologize and make your peace with God. But that is not who you are, unfortunately, and no matter where you go or what you do, you will never know what it is to be a good or decent person...which is why you hate me so much (because I don't have a horrible heart and am not a mean, terrible person like you). And if it was really "sour grapes" I would be bemoaning my present situation, now wouldn't I? Fact is, I now make more than 5-6 times the salary of the most highly paid professionals at AIS, on the same qualifications I had when I was teaching there! Jealous, Ti? Yes, I know you are...that's why you did what you did. May God have mercy on your soul because what goes around comes around. Count it all joy.

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Re: Andinet International School In Addis -- Teacher31 -- 2012-07-10
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