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Toffee Hammer Pants Jack Hammer - 2012-07-11

Drug Traffiking and money laundering is true. There are people there on the top floor workinf for EF who do nothing and have no function. Rumour is that it is Mafia and they are there on the "take" and using the operation for something else. There was a Police raid there on December 13th 2010. The Police cleared the building and the offices and had all the teachers up against the wall [at gun point]. Police dont do things like this for no reason.

Galea is bad news. He is a liar, a thief and a cheat. He is a company man, but I wonder if the parent company of EF would approve of what he is involved in?

EF have lost all their clients. Henkel, one of their clients [in N. West] Moscow no longer wanted their services because the service and teachers providing it was so very poor and bog standard.

The danger of coming to Russia cannot be stressed enough. They dont care. They have no values or principles and their education system is just as bad as that in the UK, USA and Europe, except that the kids in Moscow dont have guns and knives yet.

If you are interested in hegalian diglectic, the come to Russia and you will see it in action. These people lie, cheat and steal, and they do it without batting an eyelid. They have no conscience whatsoever. Maybe you will understand now why Britain and the USA are very reluctant to do business with Russia because of these very practices.

Galea is a dangerous dude. He's protected here, but not in the UK.

All I can do is warn you all to be really very careful, because it could be more than your salary that will be at stake if you fuck around with this guy and the gansters he rubs shoulders with, and there is no protection. Please be warned [especially if you are female].

Messages In This Thread
Re: Ivor Galea English First Moscow -- Toffee Hammer Pants Jack Hammer -- 2012-07-11
Re: Ivor Galea English First Moscow -- Toffee Hammer Pants Jack Hammer -- 2012-07-12
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