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Dragonized - 2012-07-12

In life, we often find ourselves dealing with situations that are seemingly in conflict with one another. What one person says may be true according to them, while what another one says can also appear to be spoken from the heart and not made up of lies.

The gray areas that we run into in life need to be examined and analyzed closely so as to not be mislead on biased assumptions on what constitutes as essentially bad information that can damage a person's confidence, not to mention wasting too much time and even exhausting financial assets.

We as human beings share good information to others out of our own good will. As an experienced ESL teacher I believe that making sure my colleagues have an enjoyable work experience is necessary and forming a support network with each other can bring all of us benefits in the long run. Since we get employed by businesses as well as public educational sectors, it's important that we maintain an expectation of standards which are up to par to having basic human rights as well as guaranteed protection from the law. When these things are not given to us and we have our rights violated, we lose dignity, confidence, trust, and we can feel like we're all alone with the world against us. However, as teachers we still have the power to influence our occupation and reciprocate towards those who made our lives uncomfortable, as it is our responsibility to do so. To enable and go along with bad business isn't something that I personally would want to be associated with. We need to be responsible and talk about the bad business practices to others when they do happen to us personally, because you never know who can get the information and would benefit from this.

Companies that commit themselves to treating their employees in ways that violate laws of wherever they are located have absolved themselves of responsiblity to act in a mature, professional fashion. when this happens it is the responsiblity of the teachers who have worked there to say that working for this company was a bad experience. The company will lose business, rightfully. You don't have to have worked at a place to know it is bad, period. I didn't have to work for the Gestapo, the Red Guard, or the Japanese Imperial Forces to know the crimes they committed against people. I know from reading history books that these bodies of people followed the wicked agenda of a few and did unimaginable things towards innocent folks. As a human being I will pass this history on to my children, as those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

What the poster who started this thread is essentially saying is this:

Teacher who has had a bad experience => talks about the experience => acknowledges that it is only limited to wherever they have worked => doesn't talk about any other places which has a bad reputation, keeps their mouth shut


Teacher who has never worked at a place like English First => keeps their mouth shut

What me and some other posters are saying is:

Companies that do bad business => deserve bad publicity as a consequence => word needs to be spread => company loses business and may go bankrupt if they don't change their ways

For the last 10 days or so the argument of whether English First is a good company to work for has bounced back and forth on a couple of threads. I had forgotten a simple point: Why on earth should anyone trust the words of someone who is benefiting financially by keeping the reputation of the company afloat?? The EF person talks about the success of teachers who supposedly work there, with this can come reason to recruit more teachers. But it's exactly this constant recruiting of new teachers that so many leave and complain in the first place! English First has committed crimes limited to but not including: Getting wrong visas for teachers, firing teachers for reasons which can be considered illegal prejudice/discrimination in other countries, emotional abuse, emotional trauma from the abuse, monetary and financial losses from traveling from a foreign country of considerable distance to work at a place, fraud with giving a lower salary than promised, throwing teachers out of their living quarters for personal vindictive reasons, and there are many more that I cannot remember right now but there are so many threads from so many different websites that you can find on this company.

EF needs to send its goons on sites like this from time to time to attack others groundlessly and fight with emotion rather than give decent, logical arguments. It hasn't changed its behavior with the slander, insults, and unfounded accusations towards its critics. I am not impressed, neither should anyone else.

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Re: People with a vested interest CANNOT give OBJECTIVE REVIEWS... -- Dragonized -- 2012-07-12
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