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foxy - 2012-07-21
In response to Re: Tian Shuo 天硕 / Changchun (Ted)

You're talking my kinda talk!
As a matter of fact, I've signed up for gig after gig here in China over the years. What surprised me a bit is the way the addendums to the contracts are written re overtime. This reveals to me that the employers actually expect all of us louwai to accept all overtime offered gratefully, even at rates of pay less than or equal to those of our regular teaching hours. I always make a point of declining all overtime offered me once my contracts have been signed. They will then offer me more money if they are in a jam, I still decline. It's not a matter of money with me. I'm here to get what I need from them, not to put myself out to help them. They may have initially expected me to behave like the average greedy Chinese employee, but they shouldn't categorise us all as capitalistic in nature just because we're from the greedy West.
At a couple of places, they were visibly taken aback when I accepted invitations to attend special celebration dinners after having turned down overtime, while one or two of my foreign workmates who always accepted overtime failed to take part. It wasn't the food or the company that enticed me there, it was premium free beers and free fags, though free high quality scran did make a pleasant culinary change from my usual diet.

Messages In This Thread
Tian Shuo 天硕 / Changchun -- Vincent du Feu -- 2012-07-20
Re: Tian Shuo 天硕 / Changchun -- foxy -- 2012-07-21
Re: Tian Shuo 天硕 / Changchun -- Ted -- 2012-07-21
Re: Tian Shuo 天硕 / Changchun -- foxy -- 2012-07-21
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