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Reverend I.M Jolly - 2012-07-25
In response to Re: EF Parish Moscow (Reverend I.M Jolly)

Dear Brothers and Sisters, I would like to introduce and welcome the Reverend Silverboy to the Parish.

As you all well know, EF do have offices in China, but the Moderator of the EF Church is in Switzerland, and its been some time since I had contact with "Simon" and his "false "prophetess" Anna who are Apostate sons of a Bitches.

You have heard of the Templar Knights, the Jacobans, the Jesuits, Odd Fellas, well now theres a new Secret Order in Town and these are the Maltese Templat Bastards. They will steal your grave sooner look at you and all your salary too if you are not careful.

I am deeply troubled by the "condition" of the Brethern within the EF Moscow Parish, particularly as they are moving into other areas of "trade" that could put the lives and welfare of the other parishioners at grave risk.

Because of Police involvement and current investigations, I am not sure if the Moderation of the Church and his Corporate Bitch will be moved to do anything, but maybe its too late now, for both the Moderator, his false prophetess and the Bishop in Moscow have all been exposed, all that waits is the final defrocking and being casted out of the Prish once and for all.

The Maltese Brotherhood and the British Diplomatic ties to it may work in Malta, but it wont last forever in Moscow. We see the collapse coming now my Brothers with the exposure that has ben given to this Apostate Congregation from Hell that says its the one and only true English School. Its pure Apostasy my friends.

I hope others, who have not yet partook in the sins of this Church will think twice. True, they can use agencies such as Prime Eductaion based in the Uk to "lure" the unwary, but the whitewash is fading, the writing is on the wall, and all can see clearly now that the "image" of this Apostate English School has "Clay Feet".

My Brothers and Sisters, we write continually on here with view to warning you of the very many wolves in sheeps clothing that are out there, please take the advice, or burn.

Please watch out on ESLTEACHERSBOARD for the forthcoming Epistles of Reverend Galea to the Parish.

Reverend I.M Jolly

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Re: EF Parish Moscow -- Reverend I.M Jolly -- 2012-07-25
Re: EF Parish Moscow -- Reverend I.M Jolly -- 2012-07-25
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