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checkmate - 2006-03-05

Teaching in China always presents unique problems I call the China syndrome. In my time here I find this syndrome is not just in Chinese schools and recruiter but widespread including "laowai's"
It seems at least to me that the main object is to make as much money as possible and get out when it gets to hot. Education at least by western standards takes a distant second place by not only the schools but many students as well. F/T's are mainly used as a suppliment to the schools teaching compliment to add prestige and for student recruitment but no actual consideration is given to education and resources.
Many F/T's are hired based on their appearance and "demo classes"are a way to judge appeal rather then ability.A back packing, skirt chasing, beer swilling, anglo saxon looking hillbilly who looks good and can speak English is many times more likely to get a teaching job as apposed to teachers with qualifications, experience, but happen to be the wrong colour, aged or not so good looking.
Here its about appearance rather then ability.
Anyway here are some tips I picked up that may help future teachers thinking of entering the realm of ESL China.
Schools that have names such as Harry, Joy, jack, John or Peter with English at the end or include words such as international, foreign language, solutions, training center, new way, old way etc are definitely places to scrutinze closer.
Contact e mails with public addresses such as hotmail, yahoo, 163 are usually recruiters or agents operating from back room apartments.
Also cell phone contact numbers are a give away.
Contact personnel who have limited English is usually problematic. They normally use this as an excuse for the so called misunderstanding clause.
Contracts are usually not worth the paper they are written on.
They are standard across china starting with "in the spirit of friendly cooperation".
For inbound teachers they will say anything to get you here because once you arrive your options are limited.
If the school introduction includes things such as "this is a world famous city, or beautiful countryside and give pages of description about the city where the school is be careful.
Accommodation seems to play a significant role in most teacher contracts so ask for actual photo's of where you will live. Not promotional photos as these are usually faked.
Ask for e mail addresses and phone numbers of current foreign teachers at the school you choose.
Include a couple of past teachers as well.
Any questions you have about the school ask in plain simple English include things such as western toilet, hot water, bedding, cutlery no matter how insignificant you think it is because once you get there it becomes a battle to get things done.
Ask for the contacts for various departments at your school such as English department, foreign affairs anything you think will help you.
ALWAYS have a plan 'B' including funds to get out if you need to.
NEVER surrender your passport for more then the time it takes to get your work visa which is usually 10 - 14 days. After that get it back. THe schools are not allowed to hold it.
Visa's are issued by the PSB and once given the school cannot revolk it even if you leave. Only the PSB can do that.
NEVER surrender you orginal documents. Try to get notorised copies and bring lots of passport photo's. At least 20.
School websites are adveretising so take them with a grain of salt. They are like the photo's of MacDonald's burgers.Smoke and mirrors.
Other teachers here probably have other suggestions as well. Teaching in China can bring its own rewards but caution is advised when embarking of an ESL career in Chins

Messages In This Thread
Scam schools or recruiters - ESL school review -- checkmate -- 2006-03-05
Re: Scam schools or recruiters - ESL school review -- Larrrie White -- 2007-05-08
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