View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › American Language Centre,(ALC), Aden, Yemen - ESL school review
Thomas Fitzpatrick - 2006-03-07

This is a ESL school in Khormaksar, Eden, Yemen.

In December 2005 the two foreign native english speaking teachers were both fired on the same day( one day before we were due to be paid, meaning the school gets two months - 30 hours a week - free teaching.)
No reason was given for the dismissals.

We were told that we would receive no money whatsoever for the last month ($800 each) that we worked and that we should give them our passports so that we could get an exit visa. The exit visa was obtained and we were given a PHOTOCOPY of the exit visa. They held the passports. This was presumably an attempt at intimidation - the idea being that if you make trouble about the $1600 owed for work done then you do not get your passport back.(No other complaints about the school - as if this is not enough.)

Messages In This Thread
American Language Centre,(ALC), Aden, Yemen - ESL school review -- Thomas Fitzpatrick -- 2006-03-07
Re: American Language Centre,(ALC), Aden, Yemen - ESL school review -- Martin -- 2008-04-05
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