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Daniel - 2012-08-10

Sorry to hear that! But it's sadly unsurprising to hear that Liuzhou New Standard hasn't changed. The issue you mention, about the training center obliviously thinking they treat foreigners just fine, is something my friends and I encountered constantly while working there. It seems to be more than just greediness in treating the foreign teachers poorly to make a quick kuai, but also a simple inability to recognize (or even to listen to) the issues the foreign teachers have. They never got it that the common mantra of "but, you know, this is China" is answered by "yes, but we foreign teachers are Westerners" and that we are more than just Chinese employees, accustomed to employer abuse, with a white face and somewhat higher pay. Initially Dessa, Alex, Sarah, and I were all fooled into believing Mr Li's claims of wanting to make New Standard more "American" beyond any face-building veneers. The management style of listening to employee problems was typically "teacher carefully explains to boss what problem is, boss pretends to listen, then explains ad nauseum that his way is right and that nothing will change." I truly think that the brothers Li feel they can convince their foreign teachers that spending all day handing out flyers, orchestrating "outdoor classes" for nothing but marketing, and getting nickel and dimed and having to go to the contract for every little thing... are all reasonable things. Or at least make us pretend that they are. It may work for the Chinese staff who are more used to having spirits broken by arbitrarily foolish bosses, but not for we foreign teachers.

I fear that you'll have to go through a similar song and dance about ending employment as we had, thus fulfilling Liuzhou New Standard's apparent business goal of hiring foreign teachers, working them half to death and showcasing them to build up face about having white-faced teachers, then ending up in the advantage when the teacher inevitably quits early, keeping the departed laowai on all advertising materials for all eternity to give the impression of a slowly-growing "collection" of foreigners at the school.

I sincerely hope that the cycle gets broken by prospective foreign teachers doing some Googling about Liuzhou New Standard and realizing there are no positive reviews and quite a few negative ones.

Good luck on your own departure, and I hope that you don't receive any harassment or veiled threats from New Standard for posting negative reviews. I myself received some for my own blog posts, but considering I'm back in the States with no intention of returning, there's nothing but hot air behind the bluster of the brothers Li.

Messages In This Thread
Re: new standard training center liuzhou -- Phil -- 2012-01-29
Re: new standard training center liuzhou -- Daniel Andersen -- 2012-03-05
Re: New Standard Training Center Liuzhou -- Daniel -- 2012-07-21
Re: New Standard Training Center Liuzhou -- Steve -- 2012-08-10
Re: New Standard Training Center Liuzhou -- out of control Asian girl -- 2012-08-11
Re: New Standard Training Center Liuzhou -- Steve -- 2012-08-28
Re: New Standard Training Center Liuzhou -- Dragonized -- 2012-08-28
Re: New Standard Training Center Liuzhou -- Daniel -- 2012-08-10
Re: New Standard Training Center Liuzhou -- Steve -- 2012-08-28
Re: New Standard Training Center Liuzhou -- Daniel -- 2012-08-29
Re: New Standard Training Center Liuzhou -- Magister -- 2012-07-22
Re: New Standard Training Center Liuzhou -- Douglas -- 2012-07-22
Re: new standard training center liuzhou -- Magister -- 2012-01-31
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