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tianjindave - 2012-08-11

You, in one sentence talk about how brave and caring for Chinese students you are and have been, by taking on an evil Chinese education system, and in the next you tell us that you bottled out of teaching in your own country because our education system is not to your liking.
I've said already why I chose ESL teaching rather than teaching in the UK. My mother was an English teacher; seeing how much joy she got from her students is part of the reason I went in to teaching. I swore I'd never work in the UK until there are some serious overhauls in British schools the day a pupil threatened my mother with a knife and the PE teacher who wrestled the pupil to the floor and removed the knife from his hands was sacked for restraining the boy and the boy himself was given a ONE WEEK suspension. I want to teach, I don't want to teach in England. Simple.
Just because I chose to make myself fully qualified in the feild I want to spend my life working in, and therefore be employable in any country at any time, is not a cop-out! I chose ESL teaching because I find it more rewarding. Just because you aren't qualified to teach and don't think you should be does not make my choice to be fully qualifed a cop-out.

You my dear are just as much of a tourist visa teacher as you accuse the rest of us as being.
Hahaha! Hardly! It's actually quite funny that you would put yourself in the same league as me when it comes to professional teaching!
I know you already said, and when you say it again this time it still doesn't make any more sense. You are on record as maintaining you have felt duty-bound, because you love and care for your students so much, and you don't want the already flawed EF to fall into the hands of "teachers" such as myself.. Where's your sense of duty when it comes to your own people, or are they all knife-wielding yobs? Who paid for your education? And don't tell me that just because you worked in a hamburger outlet to make your life more comfy at Uni, you paid for it yourself.. You are approaching middle age(nearer 40 than 30) time is running short to reimburse the tax-payer in any way for the countless thousands it cost them to put you through university. So, you helped bleed the taxer payer dry, you didn't feel duty-bound to pay them back in any way, but you upped sticks to indulge your vanity in little Chinese dolls. IT seems to be all take take take with your type. You should return home and teach. Stop trying to take the bread out of the mouths of older teachers who are not indebted to the tax payer, who were not trained to teach in English schools but are able to teach your little Chinese dolls oral English and follow basic lesson plans.

"Professional Teaching" I don't know what you mean? Have we discussed any other type? I certainly do not put myself in the same league as you, I haven't cost the tax payer any cash, and say it doesn't suit me to pay them back.

Messages In This Thread
Re: HUFS language institute in Dongducheonsi, Gyunggido -- tianjindave -- 2012-08-11
Re: HUFS language institute in Dongducheonsi, Gyunggido -- croydonboy -- 2012-08-13
Re: HUFS language institute in Dongducheonsi, Gyunggido -- Dragonized -- 2012-08-13
Re: HUFS language institute in Dongducheonsi, Gyunggido -- tianjindave -- 2012-08-13
Re: HUFS language institute in Dongducheonsi, Gyunggido -- tianjindave -- 2012-08-13
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