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Anonymous - 2012-08-16
In response to University of Shandong, Liniy (arpo)

Before anyone say anything, sorry if there are mistakes in my English, correcting it is not the thread, thanks for understanding.

Ok, for those interested I took this job opportunity, I'm the one who worked as French teacher in LYU during the academic year 2011-12.
I must say most if what you can read about it on internet is true, Linyi is a kind of backward city, dusty, oily, because of fast growing and construction sites everywhere and there are not many things to do there. However locals are friendly and some girls are pretty.

Local people are friendly although don't expect to meet anyone speaking English, there are some people but they can probably be numbered on one hand's fingers. There are no scams and crime rate is very low, local cops are doing a nice job it seem. Traffic can be insane but not as much as China's main cities of course, be careful when crossing the streets.
Girls in the city are not as "westernized" as girls in Beijing or Shanghai but some are willing to date with foreigners for serious or less serious intentions, in any case I advise you to respect local customs and "way of doing things in couple" as Shandong people are more traditionalist than most of places in China.

About the university, you must be aware that the campus where you live (North/Old Campus) isn't the campus where you work (New Campus), there are 20 min of schoolbus between them, that mean you must take the schoolbus everyday to go at work and same to come back home, note that the schoolbus' stop is on the opposite from where you live on the campus (5 minutes walking).
You can also chose to live on the other campus (the New Campus) which is more recent and still under construction, the big problem is that there's nothing to do over there, no supermarket and it's pretty much outside of the city. The Old Campus is located on the "main street" of the city, much better location with supermarkets and entertainment (karaoke, pool, ...) around, but it's old and dusty, buildings (including your) are almost falling appart.

The accomodation (on the Old Campus) is located in an old "hotel" above a restaurant, probably built in the 50s or 60s, dusty and without any proper safety exit in case of fire. The Chinese woman in charge there is friendly and helpful. Rooms are about 20m² including private "bathroom", working aircon and all you need to start. Notice that the doors aren't that safe once locked, they can be opened by sliding a bank card between the door and the wall (from my experience the day I forgot my key inside), fortunately you shouldn't have any problem with thieves as there's a security guard 24h at the entrance of the building. Kitchen are shared, there's one on each floor with very basic stuff to cook, most of foreigners aren't using it and prefer to go outside to eat, there are many cheap restaurants and street food around.

The job is easy and the working load is light, a few hours/week for most of teachers, far from the 25 hours/week announced in the contract. Nobody check what you're doing, they just don't care as long you do, correct and give them back your examinations. One hour is 45 minutes and you will have 2 hours together then 1h30 with 5 minutes off after 45 minutes.

Students are lovely but shy, some are lazy bugs sleeping and using QQ on their phone during the class, just take their phone, bring it home and give them back the next day and say "Next time I keep it until the end of the year", they'll stop for the year. Their English ability is low even those who studied English for years, some rare cases can speak fluent English and are more opened with foreigners.

The staff from the FAO is nice and helpful, they do their job and seem to have the local PSB in their pocket then no problem for the visa even if you work on F or L nobody will question you or them when you go to renew it.

The foreigners over there are alright although some of them could be rude as they have different culture (I think about one of two Russians who seen to be still living in the USSR era and criticize everything from the West) and there is a kind of communitarianism among the Russians and the Koreans. However they will speak to you, but you need time to become friend with them, they're distrustful at the beginning.
I have never seen any drunk foreigner falling on the way to his room nor anybody making loud noise or disturbing people in the building. Some of them are long time alcoholics that's obvious but they aren't dangerous nor aggressive, they'll only invite you to drink with them.

For the salary they pay you on time and call you if there's a problem or a delay, salary is 4000 for bachelor and master and 7000 for phd, not 9000 as you can read on some ads.

I had a great time there, I can't tell it's bad, but neither the best place I worked/stayed, now in Beijing, much better conditions and salary but much more workload also.

If you have any question email me, I'll be happy to help you.

Messages In This Thread
University of Shandong, Liniy -- arpo -- 2011-07-31
I was the French teacher this year -- Anonymous -- 2012-08-16
Re: I was the French teacher this year,beware Linyi University -- foxy -- 2012-08-16
Re: I was the French teacher this year,beware Linyi University -- tianjindave -- 2012-08-17
Re: I was the French teacher this year,beware Linyi University -- Will -- 2012-08-17
Re: University of Shandong, Linyi -- C. Worthington -- 2011-08-01
Re: University of Shandong, Linyi -- arpo -- 2011-08-01
Re: University of Shandong, Linyi -- Dragonized -- 2011-08-01
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