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Rebecca - 2012-09-02

I am one of the "unprofessionals" posting in this thread, and you seem to think you are the only professional posting in this thread. In case of the latter, I think you are very wrong for at least the following 2 reasons:

1. Your written English in the post you have made contains several mistakes that you should not make if you were a professional teacher! I doubt you are, and therefore I say you are absolutely the wrong person in that job you are doing at present. The fact that METEN employs people like you attests to their unprofessionalism and to the fact that they are nothing else than pretend "school" of clowns and a language mill and crappy training centre in reality.

2. To work on an F visa is highly illegal, and especially the alien police in Shenzhen will not tolerate if if they find out about it; I have talked to their boss a couple of months ago when I returned from Hongkong and passed Shenzhen.

Why don't you go home and educate yourself a bit better before lecturing others posting here in this thread?

Ah yes, and before I forget it - METEN is an evil organisation, and foreign teachers should NOT work for this pretend "school" and language mill!!!!

I have looked at both your posts and his is clearly written better than yours. Before you criticize others, you should work on how to use your semicolons and what must follow one, and pay a lot of attention to your commas, and lack of them.

Enough of that- why don't you allow him his say? That way he won't take you for a fool and not return to this site. I don't know if you are right or wrong about Meten, but there seems to be bullying going on here and little free discussion.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Meten English, Shenzhen, T & Z -- Rebecca -- 2012-09-02
Re: Meten English, Shenzhen, T & Z -- M...Really? -- 2012-09-03
Re: Meten English, Shenzhen, T & Z -- Rebecca -- 2012-09-03
Re: Meten English, Shenzhen, T & Z -- Dragonized -- 2012-09-03
Re: Meten English, Shenzhen, T & Z -- Dragonized -- 2012-09-03
Re: Meten English, Shenzhen, T & Z -- San Migs -- 2012-09-02
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