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Matyom Need Not Apply - 2012-09-13

In reply to the the past threads:

First off, let's clear the air. Brad Night is not only a dedicated, professional, and hard-working supervisor, who in my opinion has gone above and beyond his duty to make life (and yes is is LIFE, as you work and live here) more comfortable for all foreign teachers (including Filipinos, Canadians, Brits, and people form States), but he is is one of the rare bosses that you get that is not just overqualified, but unappreciated. He will fight administrative decisions when there is a reason, and, contrarily, put you in your place when you need to be put in your place. Showing up to work late, or calling in sick when you live 15 seconds away from the office and feel fine, and have a course-load no larger than 5 hours a day, is unacceptable. Yes, the job is demanding. Yes, working in an MOE school can be the an eye-opener to the hypocrisy and contradictions of the Thai educational standards, but in no way should this be pinned on those who attempt to make the conditions better and encourage positive change.


Honestly, in the past threads I have seen Miss Eileen's name thrown around as if she was Lucifer re-incarnated. I can assure you, although she may be a bit OCD in her attention to detail, she has one concern that is prioritized above any other, and that is the students. But, no worries, as she has left, and one more administrator who was fighting against those who coddle 18 year old students as if they were 5 years old, is gone. In place we have a wonderful assortment of Thai teachers, administrators, and, as much as it pains me to say it, directors, who are not only in favor of, but discourage any alternative to, the idea that a school should be run like a factory. Farangs are seen as a commodity here, like coal or corn, and can be resupplied by the constantly revolving door of OEG teachers. Miss Kwantip has the idea that this school will one day be an international school, but, judging by the cameras in the office, the constant administrative pop-ins, and discouraging looks and gossip from your peers, you will find it an inhospitable workplace. Thai administrators and teachers look at the farangs as if we are force feeding the kids apple pie and bangers, when we are really just teaching the kids to interact with foreign clients and future business partners in a professional and formal way.

Don't expect any recommendations from Miss Kwantip, as she will tell you to your face, that recommendations are reserved for those in it for the long run, regardless of whether your contract said 3 months or one year, and the long run is when STS crashes and explodes like an LPG cylinder falling off a motor-bike. This place is masochism at its finest, as you will gain absolutely no recommendations, no accredited professional experience, and hate every hour spent outside the classroom. Yes, Prathom is nice, as the kids are polite, kind and educated well, and the teachers are motivated and willing to work as peers, but, this place is on its downward spiral, and unless you were one of those who invested in Enron in 2001, or bought a house in 2009, I would highly advise taking on another position in BKK, or even working on the new BTS lines for 5,000 B a month, over working in this hell-on-earth. Please, please, please, take it from someone who has put everything they had into this job and gotten nothing out of it, this job is not for you. Berlitz, ITM, Abak, just look on, and find somewhere that pays you 5,000 less and avoid the headache of living here and dealing with the bi-polar director, two-faced administrators, and spoiled students that comprise the STS "family".

Messages In This Thread
Sunflower Trilingual School,Samut Sakorn,Thailand -- Attitude Adjuster -- 2010-04-01
Re Sunflower Trilingual School,Samut Sakorn,Thailand -- vickie -- 2015-06-22
Re: Sunflower Trilingual School, Samut Sakorn, Thailand -- steve smith -- 2013-01-16
Re: Sunflower Trilingual School, Samut Sakorn, Thailand -- Former STS Teacher -- 2013-01-22
Sunflower Trilingual School -- Proud to work at Sunflower -- 2011-05-22
Re Sunflower Trilingual School -- Old Lang Syne -- 2011-05-22
Re: Sunflower Trilingual School,Samut Sakorn,Thailand -- agree! -- 2010-08-13
Re: Sunflower Trilingual School,Samut Sakorn,Thailand -- Brad Night -- 2010-04-14
Re: Sunflower Trilingual School,Samut Sakorn,Thailand -- Antony Forster -- 2012-06-25
Re: Sunflower Trilingual School,Samut Sakorn,Thailand -- Anderson -- 2012-06-26
Re: Sunflower Trilingual School,Samut Sakorn,Thailand -- Matyom Need Not Apply -- 2012-09-13
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