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David - 2012-09-15

I'm out of work in Wales and am contemplating a move to China to teach English at the start of next year. I have no university degree, but I did some voluntary ESL teaching to emigrants in Swansea.
I've been reading the plethora of posts regarding Yuncheng IELTS School with great interest. And the agent's website has given me a good impression. Especially the 'foxy' poster has given me invaluable information re said agent. According to him, the basic salaries of the foreign teachers who taught there last term varied between 4,200 RMB and 6,500 RMB.
But some other posters have been very negative about said agent and the area of Yuncheng and its counties.I have three questions which I beg you to answer. Firstly, would you recommend Yuncheng IELTS School as a suitable initial employer in China for me? Second, what about the environment there? Third, what starting salary should I negotiate for as a white native English speaker

As far as I am concerned the absolute bare minumum you should accept is 5,000 RMB a month but that would be with decent accomodation. If you sign a six month contract you should get a 5,000 RMB airfare compensation payment. The interesting thing about China is that the 5,000 RMB a month salary is pretty much standard for token English teachers. As the 5,000 RMB a month is pretty much standard in backwater regions like Yuncheng and more developed coastal cities like Nanjing or Qingdao. If anything the backwater regions often pay more as they need to attract teachers to the inland areas that are away from the tourist trial. So don't ever fall for the argument that you should accept less than 5,000 RMB a month. When I say token I am merely reflecting the reality the the term English teacher is used in a liberal manner as most so called English teachers have no formal training. So you should always be sceptical of someone who claims to be an educational professional or a qualified teacher who is earning under 10,000 RMB a month. In the case of Yuncheng IELTS the accomodation often doesn't live up to what is stated in the contract. I was wondering where exactly is the job they are offering you? If you are based in Yuncheng city itself you will be put in the teachers, compound with its infamous shared kitchen and laundry facilities. The accomodation is some what adequate but it is very much set up for a monastic existance with a small bedroom and a single bed. If you are in the compound you will get all too familiar with Paul. As he has a tendancy to broadcast his expert opinion across the courtyard and hijack conversations which he doesn't know anything about. The problem is that the walls in the compound don't offer much in the way of sound insulation so you can't but help but hear Radio Paul even when you are in you accomodation with the door closed.

Yes, Paul can be annoying and in your face but you have to give him credit for the fact that he doesn't lack confidence. If anything he illustrates that the ability to bluff and hustle can get you things in Chinese society. As for if he really is a qualified secondary teacher one has to ask why isn't he earning at least around 20,000 RMB a month with a nice apartment?

Messages In This Thread
Re: yuncheng ielts -- Ian Hornblower -- 2010-03-13
Paul [edited] and his alternate Yuncheng IELTS Reality -- David -- 2012-09-14
Re: Paul [edited] and his alternate Yuncheng IELTS Reality -- Taffy -- 2012-09-15
Re: Paul [edited] and his alternate Yuncheng IELTS Reality -- David -- 2012-09-15
Re: Paul [edited] and his alternate Yuncheng IELTS Reality -- foxy -- 2012-09-15
Re: Paul [edited] and his alternate Yuncheng IELTS Reality -- B D M -- 2012-09-16
Re: Paul [edited] and his alternate Yuncheng IELTS Reality -- David -- 2012-09-16
This greatness is not great -- Lauretta Thistlethwaite -- 2010-03-13
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