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Larry - 2012-10-20

Yes Tourni,I agree with you 100%. This is no "NEWBIE" teacher. He's a teacher with 6 years experience in china and has a Chinese wife for 5 years.He knows ALL the ends and outs .How I came across him Is my school 9 months ago was searching for a teacher.MY school asked for my assistance and I and the foreign affairs director in my school sit todether looking over resumes posted here.We contacted this teacher and he wanted the job. He informed us that he had dropped his Z-Visa one year prior to persue a business with his wife. My school ( by the way is a public school ,not private) arranged him an invite letter to change his visa from L to Z. After several weeks he contacted my school with a lame story of being robbed and stabbed in Shang Hai while in transit here. After about a week he informed us he must go back to England for proper medical treatment. We found another teacher and all was forgotten..Then a 8 weeks ago Global ( of which the owner is my friend) asked me if I could help her find a teacher. No problem. A little time with her on PC and find one..Hey ,,A great meal in gratitude. Low and behold there he is again..I believed his story 9 months earlier,,WHY NOT..So I contacted him a second time..Quickly he wanted the job saying he hated England and wanted out as fast as possible..He was sent a contract,accepted and signed it and Global arranged and sent him an invite letter for Visa..The story from there is nothing less then a nightmare since he set foot BACK in China.Maybe you can better understand now. HE'S A NUT

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Re: Larry, Global English, Taizhou China -- Larry -- 2012-10-20
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