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Oh so? - 2012-10-28

People like you come so often on here to badmouth others criticising a "school" for its unethical business practices and then are very often unrightfully accused of being drunkards, etc. - typical GW reaction from one of the TC goons, and we have seen far too often here. So, why should anyone take what you say for granted? I know China, and I have seen far too often happen what the OP described. He is absolutely credible while IMHO you are not!

Here's the thing: Anyone, and I mean ANYONE who takes the time to come to this website and bash any Chinese school is "credible" to Turnoi. If you visit this site with any sort of regularity, you'll tend to agree.

The problem is that China (and more than likely most Asian countries) attracts a huge swath of under- or unqualified so-called teachers who lie on their resumes, lie during interviews, and initially present themselves as something they are not. Granted, it's the school's responsibility to do some sort of background check or check references, but with the sheer number of teachers needed throughout China, it's not always doable. A school often has to trust that the teacher they are considering is on the up and up and hope for the best. Then, of course, it's not too long before everything comes to light. Yes, sometimes it is the school or training center that is at fault, but my OPINION is that this fault is equally matched by "teachers" that can't teach, won't learn, won't adapt.

As I've never worked for this Fei Fan English School, I have no opinions one way or the other about the OP's claims, but I always take these kinds of reviews with a tiny grain of salt.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Fei Fan English School, Fushun, Laioning, China -- Oh so? -- 2012-10-28
Re: Fei Fan English School, Fushun, Laioning, China -- foxy -- 2012-10-28
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