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Respond to Question - 2012-11-17
In response to Reviews of Almayca Language Centre - Huadu? (Matthew Goldson)

The OP, I think that I can answer your question, at least partially.

Firstly, don't let them put Huada down. Indeed it doesn't feel like the rest of Guangzhou but it has a lot going for it. It is not small by any means and you can find everything that you need in Huadu. Compared to Guangzhou -- it's actually a rather pleasant place. There are lots of huge, huge shopping centers and all of the major department stores are there but the usual panoply of Western fast food restaurants in abundance. It may or may not be filled with Hunan migrant workers -- that is something that just wasn't on my radar when I there.

There are several small sized ESL schools in Huadu and Almayca is about the best of the lot, and considering how awful the others are, that isn't saying much. I think that it is partially Western-owned and its competitor is Taiwanese-owned. You can be expect to be farmed out all over Huadu and the surrounding areas, perhaps even to the western fringers of Guangzhou proper, to various primary and middle-school and even companies, too. Your visa status may or may not be regular -- perhaps you will be offered a Z visa, perhaps you will be offered an F visa with frequent runs to Hong Kong. In any case, please be careful. The Huadu PSB are particularly vigilant these days in terms of foreigners' status in Huadu. You will be offered a shared apartment, in most cases, and your roommates most likely will be 100% psycho cases. None of the ESL schools in Huadu attract particularly sane teachers, to say the least. Few have bachelor's degrees and more often than not, they come run off the welfare rolls. They are "white" however and "native speakers", such as they are.

You will be paid on time but you may find yourself with sudden little deductions from your pay. Overall, I would rate the other LTC's in Huadu as 3.5/10. I would rate Almacya at least as 5/10.

In any case, go into it with your eyes wide open. Your days will be longer -- you will start many times at 06h30 in the morning and finish many days at 21h00 with large gapes in between.

Messages In This Thread
Reviews of Almayca Language Centre - Huadu? -- Matthew Goldson -- 2012-11-15
Re: Reviews of Almayca Language Centre - Huadu? -- Respond to Question -- 2012-11-17
Re: Reviews of Almayca Language Centre - Huadu? -- Bang -- 2014-02-22
Re: Reviews of Almayca Language Centre - Huadu? -- John O'Shei -- 2014-02-22
Re: Reviews of Almayca Language Centre - Huadu? -- Shei -- 2012-11-16
Re: Reviews of Almayca Language Centre - Huadu? -- Worked In Huadu For a While -- 2014-02-23
Re: Reviews of Almayca Language Centre - Huadu? -- John O'Shei -- 2014-02-23
Re: Reviews of Almayca Language Centre - Huadu? -- stonemason -- 2014-02-24
Re: Reviews of Almayca Language Centre - Huadu? -- John O'Shei -- 2014-02-24
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