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DB - 2006-06-03

Hey Dave, Good job keeping us aware of the goings on of "Miss Litta." Yep, she thinks she's pretty clever.
My advice would go one step further though. If anyone is thinking of teaching in Jingdezhen, forget it. It's pretty much a nothing place with very little to offer in the way of interesting cultural aspects that you could easily find elsewhere. If you're totally into ceramics, it may be worthwhile - but I doubt it. Furthermore, since "Litta" is now advertising under the guise of various names, it would be wise to avoid Jingdezhen until you are sure you're not falling into one of her traps.
I don't say this lightly. If and when the powers that be in China get it together and start bringing the hammer down on the scam artists in this business, I'll be the first to step forward and point the way toward Litta. Her actions are well documented by the police and foreign affairs office in Jingdezhen due to my getting them involved.
Good luck!

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