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Philippe - 2006-06-04

I only have good words for that school. I have been put there through a major placement company in China, which is unfortunately not as good, but Yuanji Senior Middle School (Haiyan county, Zhejiang) is by far one of the best school I have seen. The treatment of the foreign teacher should be a model followed by more schools in china. They have a respect and a good understanding of foreign customs, and the personnel of the school is more than friendly and helpful, they will listen to your concern and will try to find a solution that can accommodate both parties promptly. Everything is done by the book and I had a strong feeling of trust right at the beginning. The conditions in which I was working were more than excellent; my own classroom, office, computer, apartment on campus They treat the foreign teacher as a part of the school staff and offer him all the resources he needs, humans and materials, so he can show is maximum potential. If you ever get offered to teach in that school, take this opportunity right away! The city in which the school is located is very good. It is not a big city, but it is still much more than a village you can find great bars, restaurants that offer foreign food and a KFC. The best part is that Shanghai or HangZhou is less than an hour and a half away. This is, I say again, the best school I have seen in China, in every aspect.

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