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San Migs - 2012-12-18
In response to Re: Nonsicle/Beijing (Mancunian)

I keep telling other FT's that 5000rmb a month not frizzled away in expensive bars and Karaoke is more than enough to save on so the FT can go to Thailand and places during the two long breaks; you are obviously not one of those spendthrift FT's.

The problem is without bonds, rental income, or a big savings account back home, that money frizzled away on junkets to thailand pissing it up during the winter may leave you bereft and destitute on your return to a western country.

I knew some Chinese (and ft's) who would go to thailand or just to the bar each night during the winter holidays and be skint after two weeks/1 month. For chinese no problem money is kept in the family, a phone call home, and money is in their bank the same day, next day at worse. For an FT with nobody to call at home, what do they do?

For me, I preferred to tough out the cold chinese winters, and save the cash for little extras like flying back home in business class, staying in a nicer hotel in HK while waiting for my flight, and putting the money back into a bank in the UK/Europe. RMB can only be frittered away in China or Thailand, now that they accept unionpay cards, it's bloody useless really outside of Asia.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Nonsicle/Beijing -- Mancunian -- 2012-12-17
Re: Nonsicle/Beijing -- San Migs -- 2012-12-18
Re: Nonsicle/Beijing -- Mancunian -- 2012-12-18
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