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Concerned expatriate - 2012-12-19

Here's a copy of an email sent to a friend of mine by Goldwyn Zhang. Beware of this agency. I've yet to hear a single legitamate positive post with regards to them.

To and for the kids I have grown to love at 315...
On May 10, after months of continual, disrespect and dishonesty from my agent in Beijing, I informed him that I could no longer work with him...In doing so I hoped that I would be able to work directly for the school and remain as your teacher. I was somewhat surprised to find out that because of the schools' contractual agreement and association with this same person and company, that I could not.
This is the letter I received from VIP China when I gave him notice. It should give you some idea of the character of the person I have been dealing with and the reasons I could not continue as things are.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: VIPChina <>
Date: Fri, May 11, 2012 at 1:37 PM
Subject: RE: Goldwyn

well, you want to teach me a lesson of philosophy or what? I thought you are a tough guy which is capable of sth, but you really disappoint me. You could not do anything, but could only ask God for help? You must be joking. Now you become shameless, and do not want to leave? Listen, this time, I am not joking. Just get the hell out of the school NOW, or I will call the security guard in the school to drag you out, you understand? We have placed more than 500 teachers in the last couple of years, dealt with a lot of asshole teachers, some of them are much worse than you, Wade. But you could see our program keeps booming, more and more school and teachers are joining us everyday. We have a lot of time, patience, more importantly experience, to deal with those asshole teachers like you. Screw you and your God, just move your ass out of the school now. Just do yourself a favor and not make it too nasty.


The school leaders have been kind to me. You students have been amazing and wonderful and I love you. My prayer for you is that you grow strong and courageous. That you change the world you live in for the better because you can. That you stand for truth and justice and that you take a stand for what you know is right when you are able to do it...I will truly miss you, Mr. Wade

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