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BP Rawlins - 2012-12-29

Hopefully enough time has elapsed for a more balanced and objective review to be made of Shenzhen College of International Education. Exam results are confidential communications between the Cambridge CIE board and its centers, but as a former Head of A-level Studies there (from 2008 to 2010) I can confirm that excellent results have been achieved by many SCIE students. While suspicions are often voiced in China about the reliability of IELTS and TOEFL scores, these are not justified with regards to IGCSE English exams which are marked by CIE-appointed examiners overseas, and in the case of SCIE managed by a highly professional and experienced Examinations Officer. The main problem at SCIE has been that few students are required to pass First English Language IGCSE exams before they start AS-level courses, as would be expected in International, African and UK schools. The advertising displays of students at the school, moreover, have been misleading in that they have merely shown offers from universities rather than final placements.

Attempts have been made to recruit staff, including myself, on tourist visas, which is illegal. I was subjected to constructive dismissal (a threatening demand for my resignation because I had complained about offensive behavior towards me) in breach of a signed two-year contract for 2010-12. Both this action by the Academic Head and the subsequent offer of only one month’s severance pay by the owner were hardly in the spirit of Chinese labor law; such behavior is far from honorable. Even more seriously, when the Exams Officer and her assistant were physically assaulted by an expatriate teacher, the culprit was not arrested but rather promoted to the status of second-in-department. Such a pattern of managerial conduct displays a character more than just “prickly”.

I have two masters degrees and experience as a senior manager in four overseas schools. Accusations of disgusting and blatant lies by “failed teachers” should be weighed against the evidence of bullying and illegal behavior towards staff. ESL teachers should therefore be very wary of any offers from SCIE.

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