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fish4esl - 2006-06-20

So, we're back to Hemmingway and his problems at Huaibei, are we?
I also agree with what John has to say about Hemmingway's posting from a few months ago. And I also think Hem's got a few personal problems.
Hem claimed he has a Chinese wife. Could his wife not interpret and explain to him what was going on long before he actually got into trouble? Not interpret the words, but the meanings and the cultural aspects of it all. Or was Hem just too stubborn to listen? If I remember correctly--and it really isn't worth reading again his missile of self-pity--his wife had a spot of trouble herself there.
Oh, but the "irony" (to use his wording) is that he is now in another city, one which had been described to him as being quite similar in it's Chinese character as Huaibei. Not so ironic, as his new city is on a well-beaten TEFL path in eastern China.
Hem, the poor fellow, is so angry and hostile, he even took it out on the other people responding to his messages in this forum. And these are the people he would normally accept as the people that would possibly come to his aid!
But now he's in a better place, finding health and happiness in TEFL Shangri La, keeping himself busy with his teaching, and just can't seem to be bothered with coming back to the ESL forum to give us a big thumbs up.

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