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steve smith - 2013-01-16
In response to Sunflower Trilingual School,Samut Sakorn,Thailand (Attitude Adjuster)

Good morning, I would like to tell you a story for the New Year. Our story has two main characters, character number one a Canadian, whom we will call piggy Brad and a Jamaican whom we will call piggy jimmy.

Now piggy Brad whom has more university degree’s than any other person I’ve ever known, I know this is true because he changes it every year on the schools website, now piggy Jimmy who thinks he is a BRIT but he is not really he purchased his degree and documents in Bangkok.

Now piggy Brad and piggy Jimmy have a real problem with co-female teaches at the Sunflower school unless the teaches are Caucasians or the teachers are giving the little piggy’s sexual favours.

Now one day the two pigs where walking around the town, and they bump into the BIG BAD WOLF, who in this case is the boyfriend of one the female teachers the have exploited for many months, unfortunately the little pigs are unawares of the big bad wolf, but he knows who they are and he is going to eat them up, now the big bad wolf thinks either the owner of the school is turning a blind eye to the racist little piggy’s ways or toward the foreign non- Caucasians teachers but it time for the to all including ajarn and the parents of the students unless the school stops the exploitation by the little piggy’s this email shall be circulated to the email addresses of the parents please feel free to respond you have 48 hour before the email is released to the public showing what type of person are in charge of there children. Steve Smith (AKA THE TRUTH TELLER)


Thai people are very nice caring people these two guys are racist ignorant pigs that should be associated with a reputable school. I have 3000 plus facebook friends whom this will be released to if something isn’t done about it.

Messages In This Thread
Sunflower Trilingual School,Samut Sakorn,Thailand -- Attitude Adjuster -- 2010-04-01
Re Sunflower Trilingual School,Samut Sakorn,Thailand -- vickie -- 2015-06-22
Re: Sunflower Trilingual School, Samut Sakorn, Thailand -- steve smith -- 2013-01-16
Re: Sunflower Trilingual School, Samut Sakorn, Thailand -- Former STS Teacher -- 2013-01-22
Sunflower Trilingual School -- Proud to work at Sunflower -- 2011-05-22
Re Sunflower Trilingual School -- Old Lang Syne -- 2011-05-22
Re: Sunflower Trilingual School,Samut Sakorn,Thailand -- agree! -- 2010-08-13
Re: Sunflower Trilingual School,Samut Sakorn,Thailand -- Brad Night -- 2010-04-14
Re: Sunflower Trilingual School,Samut Sakorn,Thailand -- Antony Forster -- 2012-06-25
Re: Sunflower Trilingual School,Samut Sakorn,Thailand -- Anderson -- 2012-06-26
Re: Sunflower Trilingual School,Samut Sakorn,Thailand -- Matyom Need Not Apply -- 2012-09-13
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