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fish4esl - 2006-06-24

It was either 1992 or 93 when China changed to "socialist, open market". That means they consider themselves, as a whole, capitalist. Only about 15% of the population are in the Party, most military, police, government workers at higher levels and older pensioners.

Capitalism is capitalism anywhere its practiced. You have an American email address, so I'm guessing you're American. I'm also guessing you've never been a part of corporate America, personally being a part of the money-making culture of business. Capitalism falls into the debate when you express dismay that teachers can be fired at will, or neglected, or whatever the problem of the day. Teachers are the "image" of a school. If a teacher gives junk classes, junk demos, junk behavior, it effects the school. The school potentially loses business, or at least doesn't get much return business. English is the product and teachers, like it or not, are the salespeople.

Education is exactly whats being sold. When I'm in the classroom, I'm 100% teacher, and that's what I like too. But outside the class, I too need to remember to sell the product, where ever I am. If this concept isn't appealing to you, then go home. Be a teacher there. See if its any different. Deal with other teachers, testing, school districts, parents, politics. See if its any different.

There might be any number of reasons why we're kept marginalized. It may be easier for them to conduct their business in Chinese. It may be because many foreign teachers are quite young and inexperienced in business. It may be that many teachers only want to teach and can't be bothered with the business end of the organization. So why bother to include us?

Hopefully you aren't surprised when Chinese people talk about these "schools" or English being sold as a product for business. They're not fooled. They are plenty bright enough to see it as a business. The reason they engage in it is that they hope it will help their careers. As adults, they look at it like continuing education. It enhances advancement opputunities. And they certainly aren't fooled by lousy, unprepared, poorly trained, apathetic foreign teachers.

With all that unnecessarily said, my main message is be careful about "free societies". "Freedom" is being redefined globally on a daily basis.

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