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DB - 2006-07-10

Your endeavor, that of exposing as many charlatans as you can or as many as you find, is a noble one. Too many of us, once we have made it safely through the maze of illegally operated schools and dishonest employers and recruiters, tend to forget that there are others liable to be trapped in the same maze; however, the recruiters and charlatans don't forget this - they know there are many unsuspecting teachers out there waiting in the wings, and they are happy to pounce on them and lure them with glowing words about the schools they represent or operate.

My wish is that the TESOL schools would include as part of their curriculum something in the way of a warning about the potential pitfalls of teaching abroad.

Did you catch the interview with President Putin of Russia on tv last night? The question and answer session included email inquiries from Russians as well as foreigners who had been in Russia.

One foreigner asked a poignant question about corruption and more specifically asked when the corruption that affected foreigners in Russia would end. (Of course that made me think about China.) Putin's answer was pretty right on. Developing countries, he said, have it in common that corruption becomes problematic to the extreme before they reach a certain stage of development. Hmmmm.....don't know where I really want to go with this, but I think you get the gist of what I'm saying. (I keep thinking that the Chinese government, which I consider generally "right minded," will begin to do something about all the illegal schools and scam artists in this business, but so far I'm pretty disappointed.)

Anyway, glad you are taking the time to post your warnings Frank. Even if only one person is persuaded not to accept a position that looks suspicious, your efforts will have been well worth it.

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