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Dragonized - 2013-02-20
In response to Re: "AMAE" or the Desire To Be Loved (ASTF)

If you want to find something, you'll find it. But a sign of maturity is how well you implement your own experiences with what you read and also how well you take compare your own conclusions about life with that of others. You don't care about what others think so as long as they don't agree with you, so you are working off of a big handicap. You will only play nice as a ploy until I show a hand of politeness and kindness which you then take as weakness and you bare your own fangs and try to humiliate me for disagreeing with you. You do not know what finding middle ground means, and you fit in rather well with the general population where you're at.

Like I said earlier, the lack of confidence towards self brings about the disregarding of the boundaries and space of others. You seem to carry this quite well as you don't have boundaries, nor do you respect the personal space of others. Your attitude towards me is that of someone who will not stop until he has completely demolished my values and my thinking and replaced that with his own self perceived "better" ideas. It's this very action that is proof of how inferior your ideas really are. Now you want to play the democracy hand and call me a hypocrite for not respecting free speech. Apparently I was mistaken all along? That you do in fact love the west and agree with what I have stated about China? I think not! You are the last sort of person who would understand what free speech means and the benefits that it should bring not only to you, but towards everyone. [deleted][deleted]

Why don't you take up these supposedly great traits that the Chinese possess yourself instead of being so cruel and malicious towards those who disagree with you, or is that very behavior Chinese? You in your behavior to expect others to obey a set of ethics so you can believe how right you really are but on the other hand you don't have to abide by those same rules because you're already inherently better, eh? What you're doing is convincing more and more people that the very country and culture that you're so eager to defend is actually only good for very limited, certain "types" of people such as you, and those types of people certainly do not fall into what can be considered "normal"!

I have made such statements towards Chinese Americans as well as Chinese citizens and I have not always received a defensive reaction or even one that could be called critical towards me. There are people who care enough to criticize their own ethnic groups and try to create a newer mindset and establishing a more solid foundation of values, both of which can prolong, nourish, and blossom new culture as well as evolving old ones. [edited] Your own flaws start from the very beginning of your argument when you pre-assume that there are enough good people as well as good environments in China that would invalidate my points, and you believe the dogma and look down on me because I don't believe it. The more you talk, the less you are able to convince me of anything.

Messages In This Thread
Re: "AMAE" or the Desire To Be Loved -- ASTF -- 2013-02-18
Re: "AMAE" or the Desire To Be Loved -- Dragonized -- 2013-02-19
Re: "AMAE" or the Desire To Be Loved -- ASTF -- 2013-02-19
Re: "AMAE" or the Desire To Be Loved -- Dragonized -- 2013-02-19
Re: "AMAE" or the Desire To Be Loved -- ASTF -- 2013-02-19
Re: "AMAE" or the Desire To Be Loved -- Dragonized -- 2013-02-20
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