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Raoul Duke - 2006-07-30


I'm with ya on this one. In the last few years the EFL industry in China has gone down the tubes. It's becoming very, very difficult indeed to find a decent and honest EFL job in a school in this country. The chase to wring out every last fen- and a general contempt for foreign teachers on the part of the schools- has just become to intense. The few educators there ever were have been chased out of the business by the money boys.

I've given up the school least I sure hope I have. I spent years here trying to find that one great school job, and I become incresingly convinced that I've been chasing an illusion. I've struck out on my own and am doing freelance corporate work. It's good so far but if it doesn't work the I think the day will come when I have to leave China. I'm sure not going back to a school.

And I sure hope I don't have to leave. I really like it long as I'm not in an English school.

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