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Richard H - 2013-04-04

KDC has the nerve to reply and lie, I recall him, there I was trusting Edison Ye as a so called business partner and working to get business teaching contracts but what I did not know was this.

" The secretary I thought was taking calls for me had been put in place to take any calls from any company and redirect them to Edison Ye who then would approach those companies saying " Richard is not available, he sent me and KDC to help you". Edison Yee would approach these companies from his fake school office having been given details that were meant for me. KDC would then give a demo lesson using power point lessons lifted from the internet and together they would steal a contract that was meant to go to me and Edison Ye, jointly as business partners.

It is difficult enough in China when having to deal with dishonest people in the ESL business but when a foreigner such as KDC throws his lot in with the likes of Edison Ye, Linda Chia the situation becomes impossible.

So KDC you say I had a reputation as a dubious character, why is that? because I was working hard and being honest while you were working on a scam visa and ripping of foreign teachers in order to endear yourself to some very nasty and dishonest characters such as Edison Ye, his two friends Jeremy and David and of course the totally fake and dishonest Linda Chai - the fake EKD English school.

Yes I cancelled contracts I had bid for and won against the likes of these people and those companies that chose me did so because I'm very good at providing educational services in line with the needs of the company and not like you- faking stuff taken off the internet and putting it up on power point. I trusted Edison Ye as a business partner but when I found him stealing contracts with your assistance, of course I cancelled the contracts and dissolved the partnership with Edison Ye and advised those companies to sue him. My relationship with the two companies in question was very good and our parting was on very good terms, both companies were informed in detail about Edison Ye and what he was doing and both companies agreed that it was wise for me to cease any working relationship with Edison Ye.

It seems another teacher that has replied here also fell foul of the scams operated by Edison Ye regarding work visa and stealing money due to teaching staff and again KDC is highlighted as the dishonest lap dog tagging along ( Di Cosmo )and supporting a dishonest individual or individuals.

One might ask why Di Cosmo joins in ripping of foreign nationals in China but if you met this over weight some what under educated character that is well past retirement age but sporting a young Chinese wife it all becomes clear. It is often the case that Chinese ladies have difficulty identifying what is a bad foreigner and what is a good foreigner, hence the presence of characters like KDC in China, I'm sure you anyone can picture what he looks like and of course he is no more a real ESL teacher then the local fish vendor but these losers do show up in China, hunting for a wife and faking there credentials.

Looking back on the situation years ago and remembering the smug comment from Edison Ye e.g " you can't do anything, don't bother getting a lawyer, foreigners don't have legal rights in China" I should have dragged him and KDC down a side street and kicked the crap out of the pair of them.

The most recent scam I heard regarding Edison Ye in Songjiang - Shanghai was that he set up a children's school website calling it a franchise ( doubtless with help from Di Cosmo ) and was duping Chinese in other cities to buy the franchise name from him. He is dabbling in Thomas the Tank Engine schools and will be ripping of the real franchise owners that are based outside of China and can do nothing to stop him or his fat foreign lap dog.

What are the most recent ESL scams of these characters? I don't know but I have decided to do the following. I have sent the details of this website to the Shanghai police, no point in sending to the Songjiang police because as Edison Ye proudly boasts along with Linda Chia, they pay bribe money to the Songjiang police to ignore their illegal activities.
An e mail has also been sent to the embassy that represents KDC as it is only fair that they know what this character is doing in China. I was going to inform the Shanghai visa office but Ye states they support him so instead I have copied in the central visa office in Beijing. As Edison ye never pays tax on his fake schools which date back to 2003 and certainly does not pay tax on his other scams I have of course copied in Shanghai public tax office and included Di Cosmo for them as they really need to check out his tax contributions or the lack of them.

I feel sorry for the other teacher that complained about Edison Ye and KDC, I understand how he feels, I also know several others that also got ripped off.
KDC, I have one eye on you and I assure you that at some point in the near future I will be popping around to have a stern meeting with you, when you assisted in stealing from me you chose the wrong person.

As for any ESL school in China, now you know the truth about Di Cosmo and not any of the online nonsense he writes, if you really want this type of character around your school children, your adult clients, check his qualifications very thoroughly and remember, you were warned about him.

For the time being I'm happy to wait and see if the Chinese authorities finally do something about you and your very dishonest friends.

I think its time to do a little more digging and post what all of you are up to nowadays.

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