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Dragonized - 2013-04-09

the problem is is that we all think we have some sort of divine dispensation to interfere with the freedom of others

I do think I do not interfere with others regarding their lives. You can live how you want, but do not tell me how to live. It comes down to the fact that people who feel like everyone including them have a right to interfere with the freedom of others really are blind to their own impulses to order others around.

What about the unmolested freedom of others to work in English learning centres- would you not wield that sledge hammer your very self to bring all and every one of them crashing to the ground, given leave to do so? Am I right or am I right?

If you want to work at a training center, it is your right. But I will never see that as legitimate or worthy of respect. That is my own opinion, one that you would never see as a threat on your own boundaries nor should you if you are content with what you do. The problem is, the worst cheaters, deceivers, and anti-social types of expats come from training centers. Warning folks off to not work at training centers is a good piece of advice. If you don't agree with that you can set an example and leave us alone.

Nothing wrong with a bit of fag smoke anyway, kills all the germs in the air.

No it doesn't kill germs in the air, the air is too big to let fag smoke kill everything. It only releases thousands of different chemicals that makes it harder for non-smokers to breathe, non-smokers such as me. I gather you don't mind the lack of enforcement of not smoking in elevators, restaurants, and just about every public place in China. But in the end your own attitude is just another damn everyone else, I'll do what I like type of outlook that makes me think why should your opinion be respected. How about you respect the freedom of others to not breathe in the 2nd hand smoke coming from that cigarette of yours?

Messages In This Thread
Re: Jiangxi Science & Technology University Nanchang, Jiangxi -- Mancunian -- 2013-04-09
Re: Jiangxi Science & Technology University Nanchang, Jiangxi -- Dragonized -- 2013-04-09
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