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Lord of the Skies - 2013-04-18

Righty ho let's get down to the truth about King's English for Kids Tianjin shall we. Okay so first of all I worked for them myself for a just 1 year so I can tell you from first hand experience. And I also worked at the same training center as Taj the gentleman who posted the very complimentary post. I do not have any agenda against anybody at Kings personally, I know many people who I still consider to be friends who work for them at the moment!

So first off, about what someone mentioned earlier with regards to 2 years olds. Yes, if you work for this company you WILL be expected to entertain very young children who are not old enough to sit through an intensive ESL class.

You will have many of what they call "demo classes" every week. This involves you standing in front of up to 20 kids and their parents who you have never seen or interacted with before and try to go through a pre scripted routine of silly games that have little or no paedogological value. I will tell you honestly it is one of the most humiliating and sickly experiences you will ever have and you will have no choice but to do it with a false smile on your face many times per week when you work at king's.

The management are not only rude and completely useless and clueless as teachers but they are 99% of them Chinese. The company has 1 foreign manager who does the recruiting but you never see him after that and he ignores your messages and screws you over with money. There is also a few people who are long term teaching staff who they have to show you around when they first get there, including Taj who wrote the previous message, and they pay them a bit more than the other teachers to keep them happy and give them some "power", which reflects in their attitude. Again, after that you will never see these people again and they will not help you to navigate your way through the laughable curriculum that you are expected to work with. Oh and by the way, the only resource they provide teachers with is a smart board and a puppet called "Jingle". You are expected to teach very young children with basically no assistance or resources. If you are already a qualified teacher then you learn to improvise but most of the colleagues I had were straight out of university or had maybe 1 year teaching in China or Korea before they came to King's.

I should also mention the money situation at King's. Since I left they have been borderline bankrupt and from what several people have told me they have delayed paying the foreign staff for several weeks and my Chinese friends who work there have had their salary delayed by up to a month every month for a long time now without any explanation from the bosses.

They will offer you pay rises and bonuses for doing extra tasks and over time but will refuse to pay it to you and then pretend they never agreed to it!

If you get sick in China, this company are the last people on earth you want to be working for. They pretend to have medical insurance for you but if you ever need to visit the hospital they will ignore you and let you fend for yourself! I saw this happen to several staff members during my stay in Tianjin.

And also with Tianjin, the city is alright but Shanghai is far better and much more western friendly. If you want to see how miserable and dirty Tianjin is you should type it in on You tube and watch some of videos that show up!

So to conclude, my personal advice is DO NOT work for King's English!!!

Messages In This Thread
King's English for Kids Tianjin -- Have fun! -- 2012-03-22
Re: King's English for Kids Tianjin -- Matthew Taylor -- 2012-04-19
Re: King's English for Kids Tianjin -- San Migs -- 2012-04-19
Re: King's English for Kids Tianjin -- ESL T -- 2012-03-30
Re: King's English for Kids Tianjin -- Taj -- 2012-07-20
After one year at KING’S ENGLISH FOR KIDS I have had a POSITIVE experience. -- Vimes -- 2013-08-19
Re: After one year at KING’S ENGLISH FOR KIDS I have had a POSITIVE experience. -- John O'Shei -- 2013-08-19
DO NOT work for King's English for Kids Tianjin! -- Lord of the Skies -- 2013-04-18
Re: DO NOT work for King's English for Kids Tianjin! -- KEFK -- 2013-04-23
Re: DO NOT work for King's English for Kids Tianjin! -- Lord of the Skies -- 2013-05-17
Re: King's English for Kids Tianjin -- Magister -- 2012-03-30
Re: King's English for Kids Tianjin -- Have fun! -- 2012-03-30
Re: King's English for Kids Tianjin -- ESL Travis -- 2012-03-31
Re: King's English for Kids Tianjin -- Stan the man -- 2012-04-17
Re: King's English for Kids Tianjin -- San Migs -- 2012-04-17
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