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Prof. Dr. Muhammad Schmidt - 2006-08-20

I can only confirm what SUNNY wrote about Yakup as a recruiter. I met Yakup in 2002 and 2003 in Beijing, and he promised much but did not keep anything. Before arriving in China, I sent one of my former students to see Yakup at his office, and this student told me that he would not trust Yakup. Nevertheless, I decided to give Yakup the benefit of doubt until to the proof of the contrary.
Yakup promised me to get me highly paid position at a Graduate School in China - this is what I had come for. I told him I would not be interested to teach Oral English or work at a High School. Rather, I was planning to help graduate students with their theses for a Master or even the Doctorate.

I had to learn my lesson after I arrived at his office in Beijing. Instead of finding the suitable job for me he had promised, he kept busy talking and discussing with his Chinese staff - I felt I was waisting my time after staying for two monnths in his office where nothing happened with my new job. I left him and his office and returned to my home country immediately after I lost a lot of money for the flight and did not get the job I was promised.

It is quite a news to me that he is said to be in prison. If he really is, then he really does deserve it! Guys like him should not longer be allowed to cheat foreign teachers who are of good will and who desire to share their knowledge with others in China!
The Chinese government should check these recruiters much more and severely - even after granting them a license! Mr Yakup, I hope you will not cheat any other people anymore. Hopefully, you have a pretty hard time in jail which will make you repent the many bad things you have done to others!

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