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KEFK - 2013-04-23
In response to DO NOT work for King's English for Kids Tianjin! (Lord of the Skies)

This is probably a bad idea jumping into this discussion, but the post has so many factual errors in it, I may as well give the side of the school and allow people to make their own mind up.

I may as well take the complaints point by point:-

1) Demo classes - these are part of the way in which the school advertises the products we offer. Along with many other language schools in China, we invite children and parents to these so that they can get a feel for the way in which classes are handled. The language and content is kept purposefully simple - the children attending the classes have often had no exposure to English or Westerners before, and it can be quite a big deal for them. It doesn't happen many times per week - new staff are expected to conduct two or three over the working week as they don't yet have full timetables. Once an individual foreign teacher's timetable is full, they no longer conduct demo classes.

2) I find your point that the managers being useless and clueless as teachers, and them being '99% Chinese' not only inaccurate, but borderline racist. It's a Chinese-owned school, in China, employing a predominantly Chinese workforce. All of the Chinese Management in Academics have a minimum of CELTA qualifications, and the Head of the Academic Department has a Master's Degree in Education. There are actually 3 foreign managers at the school - one for HR, one for Academic Development, and one who liases with the Marketing and Sales team. None of these three have any ability to 'screw' staff out of money, as they are not involved in payroll. Teachers are only deducted for absences in which they are sick, or do not attend class. All of the managers are directly contactable by phone, email, or at the office, and regularly are by staff.

3) Resources - lesson plans are provided, and each centre has full resources for the lesson plans. There are occasional errors (this is China after all), but the lesson plans are more than enough for teachers to use during class. We have staff who have been with us for more than 3 years, and all of our foreign staff have a minimum of 1 year experience and a TEFL. It simply isn't realistic to assume that all staff will have teaching qualifications (this is ESL, not working in a Western school).

4) Money - again, this is simply not true. The school restructured it's business at the start of the year (there are currently 9 King's centres, a high school, and an adult training centre) which affected cashflow briefly at that time, but staff have been paid in full each month.

5) Overtime - this has never happened at all. All staff are paid in full for any work done outside of their contracted 21 hours per week at the designated overtime rate.

6) Medical insurance - the school has full state medical insurance, identical to that of the Chinese citizenry. We have bilingual staff who escort those unable to speak Mandarin to doctors to receive treatment, if so requested.

7) Shanghai and Tianjin - quite a pointless argument. If you want a Western city, why come to China in the first place? The subtle hint to view YouTube is with reference to the poster's deluded and again borderline racist 'music' video he posted on YouTube about Tianjin.

Knowing the poster personally, I am extremely reluctant to enter into this discussion for fear of it turning into a slanging match, but I will not accept this kind of smear against the school. Part of the interview process with King's consists of the HR Manager for the school providing contact details for members of staff who currently work at the school - as many as the prospective candidate wishes to contact. Many of our FTs have been with us for more than 2 years, and 4 of our current staff have requested to extend their contracts just recently. It is incredibly easy for an individual to damage the reputation of a school, whilst those who are content here are overlooked.

King's English isn't perfect, and there are many things that should be improved, but for most staff who work here the time is productive and enjoyable. Please feel free to make your own opinions.

Messages In This Thread
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Re: DO NOT work for King's English for Kids Tianjin! -- KEFK -- 2013-04-23
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Re: King's English for Kids Tianjin -- San Migs -- 2012-04-17
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