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John O'Shei - 2013-05-04

And with Chinglish like

i want to thank you anyway for you have provided us a wonderful training material.
, there is absolutely no reason for anybody on this board to respect anybody from your company or believe what you or others from your company say. Besides, we all know that such tactics of putting people down and trying to make them lose face are quite common in China. We only have to read a newspaper to know that when it comes to foreigner or Japan bashing season.

May I ask that when it comes to talking about learning their lessons, what lessons? To be afraid of the mighty power of the corrupt evil Helen's empire? Nah sorry but we just aren't afraid of you on here.

You guys are yet another crap company that has tried to save face on a public message board, but only made yourself look worse. Other crap companies have learnt their lessons and disappeared into the wilderness, only for these postings to forever remain as evidence that your company is not worth working for.

It is so great when a company's damage limitation measures serve no purpose but to dig a deeper hole. If you respond to this, I might just go and get my popcorn, ready to watch you get further humiliated.

Messages In This Thread
Zhejiang University Helen China tefl Network Co., Ltd. -- Hongtao wu -- 2013-03-21
Re Zhejiang University Helen China tefl Network Co., Ltd. -- Mike -- 2016-10-18
Re: Zhejiang University Helen China tefl Network Co., Ltd. -- Hongtao -- 2013-04-28
Re: Zhejiang University Helen China tefl Network Co., Ltd. -- James -- 2013-05-06
Re: Zhejiang University Helen China tefl Network Co., Ltd. -- John O'Shei -- 2013-05-05
Re: Zhejiang University Helen China tefl Network Co., Ltd. -- Sherma -- 2013-04-28
Re: Zhejiang University Helen China tefl Network Co., Ltd. -- San Migs -- 2013-04-28
Re: Zhejiang University Helen China tefl Network Co., Ltd. -- Boricua -- 2013-11-30
Re: Zhejiang University Helen China tefl Network Co., Ltd. -- Writer -- 2013-12-06
Re: Zhejiang University Helen China tefl Network Co., Ltd. -- San Migs -- 2013-12-12
Re: Zhejiang University Helen China tefl Network Co., Ltd. -- San Migs -- 2013-12-03
Re: Zhejiang University Helen China tefl Network Co., Ltd. -- Deborah Thistlethwaite -- 2013-12-02
Re: Zhejiang University Helen China tefl Network Co., Ltd. -- John O’Shei -- 2013-12-01
Re: Zhejiang University Helen China tefl Network Co., Ltd. -- Dragonized -- 2013-12-01
Re: Zhejiang University Helen China tefl Network Co., Ltd. -- John O’Shei -- 2013-12-02
Re: Zhejiang University Helen China tefl Network Co., Ltd. -- Dragonized -- 2013-12-01
Re: Zhejiang University Helen China tefl Network Co., Ltd. -- John O’Shei -- 2013-12-01
Re: Zhejiang University Helen China tefl Network Co., Ltd. -- Hongtao -- 2013-05-03
Re: Zhejiang University Helen China tefl Network Co., Ltd. -- san migs -- 2013-05-13
Re: Zhejiang University Helen China tefl Network Co., Ltd. -- John O'Shei -- 2013-05-04
Re: Zhejiang University Helen China tefl Network Co., Ltd. -- foxy -- 2013-04-28
Re: Zhejiang University Helen China tefl Network Co., Ltd. -- San Migs -- 2013-04-28
Re: Zhejiang University Helen China tefl Network Co., Ltd. -- icnif77 -- 2013-04-27
Re: Zhejiang University Helen China tefl Network Co., Ltd. -- San Migs -- 2013-03-21
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