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Mr. Davies - 2006-09-10

I haven't had reliable internet access for a few months and really had no idea my postings had produced a long thread. There hasn't been the time to check this board.

As someone who likes to write, Im quite used to critics. I appreciate Johns constructive criticism of my second posting. I, of course, respectfully disagree that much of what I wrote was irrelevant or cant be proved. Has anyone from the school in question come forth to say anything I wrote was untrue? Roy has come on to praise chicken farmers and make a comment about my size but he has never directly addressed anything I actually said. (By the way, Roy, Im 30 pounds lighter than the last time you saw me.) Its because he knows full well everything I said was absolutely true. As far as making personal attacks, I wont even deny doing it. These folks lured me to the middle of freaking nowhere under false pretenses, didnt pay me a single yuan and, in fact, extorted money from me AND stole my diploma on top of that. So, yes, Im a bit angry. I piled it on because I want to make VERY sure no one else will ever be taken in by these people again. Ive seen a lot of very generic complaints about schools here and they simply dont convey the anger and frustration I felt with the whole Ruyi episode. There are at least three other foreign teachers who have posted negative comments both about Roy personally and his school. The first two were a Canadian couple who were actually physically detained by the police when they tried to leave the city.(And whom Roy has threatened to sue if they dont take down their comments.) I asked Roy if this was true and he admitted it was. The next was an Australian guy who was booted out into below-freezing weather in the middle of winter. So, John, I am indeed looking for vengeance. These are horrible people. I am especially appalled that an American would do something like this to another American. That is why I directed so much of my invective at Roy. I read some of the other negative postings about the school and only went there because he personally vouched for the place. Perhaps I was nave to trust him. While I was there at the school and told him about my concerns, he completely ignored me. I have sent him many emails simply asking him where my diploma is and to please send it back to me and he doesnt even respond. So, John, while my posting may be over the top in your eyes, it definitely isnt in mine.

Also, Im not hiding anywhere. I posted my name and my email address. Ill do it again here. I have nothing to hide because I know every word I wrote was true. Libelous does not therefore describe it. I really wish someone WOULD try to sue me over it. Make my day.

Christopher Davies

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