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Owen International Education School Tianjin - 2013-06-02

Thank you for your detailed input.
Your welcome.

You shouldn't have it addressed it to me and not to the Foxy poster, though - you have quoted from my input in your previous posts.

This forum is very strange. I wrote two responses yesterday. One to you then one to Foxy. I used to reply button on your post, then wrote the post to you. Afterwards, I then addressed foxyposter by clicking reply on her response. Somehow, something went wrong, as I don't see my response to her and somehow your response is posted to her.

Now, if ll that is true that you say; I still can't get it:
1. If it is a public school employing you, their name would be Middle School No. X or something like that and not have a name like "Tianjin Owen International Training School" that clearly points to a private shitty company running a rubbish training centre. Very strange indeed and contradictory to what you are saying!

I think Sandra used the title of this school in an incorrect manner, it should be Owen International Education School, she shouldn't of input Training school, because it simply isn't a training school. There is no training school in Tianjin named Owen International Training school which I am aware of, thus, I replied to her response in case people get confused with Owen International Education School or even worse Buckland Owen.

Next let's look at the facts of what determines a training school. We are both probably aware what a training school is right?

For example:
A training school is not a public school right? Owen is a public school (Government run)
A training school operates all year round right? and doesn't have summer and winter vacations, only national holidays sometimes if that, right? Well Owen doesn't work all year round and has those gloriously long winter and summer vacations + national holidays.
A training schools working hours are mostly in the evening and during the weekends right? Owen operates between 8:30 to 4:30 max Monday to Friday, no evening or weekend classes.
Training schools have classrooms with sizes around 1 to 10 kids. Every classroom of Owen has around 35 students (kindergarten) to 55 (primary school).
Normally training centres can't provide legitimate VISAs and have shady contract clauses. Again Owen can provide legitimate contracts and visas because they are a public school. I recommend you visit their website and download their sample contract. (See below)

2. Normally, for public schools it is very expensive to hire foreigners and to pay for all the extras like residence permit, medical, airfare reimbursement, etc. Therefore, they normally do not allow their FTs to work for other schools. And now you are telling us that they hire FTs out to other schools in your area. This is what agents do (and all agents in China are crap, cheats and notorious liars and will promise the world to get you in the door, and when they have you will deliver nothing and even change the contract!) . Why should a public school then do it? It is normally not their business. Or is that the private enterprise of your public school headmaster? Even that would make my alarm bells ring. No, not very credible, IMHO.

My experience and others at my school will also vouch for this, if there are any contractual changes, its for the better. The only changes they have made to my contract last year was 3 salary increases and a reduction in working hours by 2 (From 15 to 12 hours, although my contract remained to say 15 hours, I only work 12 hours). They have kept my contract agreement and I have had all the benefits you stated as being expensive. As for working in other schools, I don't and if you look at the contract your issued by them, it does legally state you can't work for other schools outside Owen. Due to Owen being in partnership with other Public schools they come under the Owen International Education School name therefore, I am not working for external schools.

3. Can you post the complete address and a website if they have any? We could check ourselves and do not only have to rely on information coming from secondary sources.

I will gladly post their information here:

School Address: Owen International Education School 天津市河北区五马路军民里11 对面 欧文希浦幼儿园 Zip Code: 300241
Website Address:

Hope that helps.

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Re: Tianjin Owen International Training School -- Owen International Education School Tianjin -- 2013-06-02
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