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Will - 2013-06-03
In response to AILE/Shane English China (Sherrie)

Hello Sherrie,

I am sorry you had to experience such a place. My girlfriend and I were there not long before you. I believe you took her classes. Shane Dongying, and Hekou, where you were. We were there for 9 months, and finally had enough. It is an ill run school who talks shit about it's previous teachers and sees no fault in itself. A couple years ago, a girl was raped in Hekou, and the Chinese teachers talked about how she didn't show up for work for two weeks after she was raped. Such insensitive talk is not uncommon for the people there. Sherrie, I believe you had my apartment, yet never did they tell you I had paid for a year of internet, thus you did not have such access. I hope you are happier where you are now, but do not write China off, not all places are bad, and not even all training schools, mind you no educational instituion is perfect or only good, but there are better places to work in China.

In the 9 months I worked at the Hekou branch, two teachers left before their third month, their replacements, a couple, left within a week in China, we left after 10 months (June 1st-February 28) and we recieved the same treatment, my girlfirend worked a bit longer while they searched for a replacement, whom you were I believe, and the day after she finished they wanted us to move out of the apartment, we fought it for a few days and left, I believe you held out as well, good job to you. The staff does not attempt to help or aid you, they are not your friends nor wish to be, it is a hostile enviroment, and a revolving door for all. We had three headmasters in our time, Jerry, Anna, and Albert. The first was the best, but still could be better, as we all can be though. The second incompetent and now confined to a small room doing nothing, and the latter ignorant and talking of people he does not know, we only knew him for less than a week.

If you are still in China, please contact me, or if not, but would like to return, still do so, my email is provided, mind you a secondary one, but I still check it often.

Stay away from Shane English in Dongying, I do not know of Shane elsewhere and do not know if it is the same, so will not say so, but stay away from Shane in Dongying. They do not care about you, only money. They will seperate couples, even if married, will lie and say terrible things about you without any substance or evidence. Yo9u hear alot about saving face in China, but in my experience the people at Shane only care about their face, not about yours.

Messages In This Thread
AILE/Shane English China -- Sherrie -- 2013-05-20
Re: AILE/Shane English China -- Will -- 2013-06-03
Re: AILE/Shane English China -- Winston Churchill -- 2013-08-01
Re: AILE/Shane English China -- Barbara -- 2013-08-10
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