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Changwon - 2006-09-22

The recruiter and director paint a beautiful portrait of the wonderful job you will have in Korea, but when you get here you find out it was misleading or bold faced lie. They will try to "save money" on you in any way they can (i.e. not paying your pension, health care plan, not paying overtime etc.). When you catch on to what they're doing they tell you that you have a bad attitude and then try to make your work experience unpleasant in some way, whether it be threatening you or adding classes scheduled outside of your normal work hours. They have recently fired 2 employees just before their 11 month mark. The reason is that they were unable to cancel a planned 3 day vacation they were told they had since they started their contract 10 months ago, and confirmed before even booking the vacation. The hagwon told them less than one month in advance that they no longer had these vacation days and if they took them they would be fired. NOTE that they have not missed ONE day of work so far and have 8 paid vacation days left. They also have done above and beyond what a teacher's contract requires. Although they were "released" in their 11th month, they lost their bonus and flight home. They are not the first teachers to be terminated at 11months from this hagwon. On a good note - they pay on time but this is the only positive aspect I have heard about this school.

Messages In This Thread
Topia English Zone - ESL school review -- Changwon -- 2006-09-22
Re: Topia English Zone - ESL school review -- Anon -- 2010-09-24
Re: Topia English Zone - ESL school review -- Julia -- 2011-04-09
Re: Topia English Zone - ESL school review -- Dragonized -- 2011-04-12
Re: Topia English Zone - ESL school review -- Julia -- 2011-04-14
Re: Topia English Zone - ESL school review -- violetbu -- 2009-02-03
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