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John O'Shei - 2013-08-24

You are the one giving bad advice. Working on an L visa IS illegal. Before people were getting away with it, now more people are getting caught and the penalties can be quite severe, including deportation. I would not report anyone doing it, but they are very stupid to still be doing it in 2013. Work legally in Asian countries, or stay home!

I know that this is harsh and quite evil, but if I knew that somebody was working on an L visa and they happened to piss me off in any way, I'd happily report them to the authorities. Just let the police do the hard work, lol.

If you are on a L visa, if somebody wants your part-time work, they could easily grass you up (snitch) and replace you. So stay legit, protect yourself from such legal trouble.

I have experience of this in quite a strange way. I had a paper round (newspaper delivery) at 12 years old in the UK and an older boy told the boss of the newsagents that I'd lied about my age (13 is the minimum age in the UK for part-time work of that nature), the boss had no choice but to let me go, the grass (snitch) replaced me and did the paper round instead of me. Learned a valuable lesson back then, for sure.

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Re: cambridge English in yangJiang -- John O'Shei -- 2013-08-24
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